Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Forest Grotto] Kemmias


Queen of the Wilds
Forest Grotto: Kemmias (PVP Enabled City)
Land Owner: Alvice (Tchel)

Population: 8

Deep in the south, where the trees are giant, the foliage thick, and the creatures abounding, is a peninsula where two rivers meet. This is where the former Bandit Queen has escaped to in order to provide safety for her child, Ellis, which was born recently. The grotto is named Kemmias, and she guards it viciously. Only a few cherished friends are even allowed to set foot in the city without evoking her aggression. But to those who are allowed... it is sanctuary and paradise without demands or judgement.

Alvice, Asirel_Luik, Jinx, Royo_Royal, Mute_Siren, DerekAslath, SpiritualDetox

People allowed in:
DeadPress, Evic, Infernohawk, and trusted members of Protaras

Kill on sight if they enter (ask to consent to pvp, otherwise rp it):
Dracoboy2, James_Longstreet, Vyres, Wizards, Strangers in general...

(To come when building progress is made)

How to join:
Well first of it would be a really good idea to befriend the mayor, lest she shoot you in the face upon arrival. But here's something you can fill out so I may know who you are and we may arrange in game RP.

RP Name:
MC Username:
Link to Character Profile:
Why you want to join:


Queen of the Wilds
Town Rules

1. I have a LOT of plans for the underground of the city. No tunneling forever and ever and ever.

2. Treehouses are to be hidden out of sight with leaves or other camouflage.

3. Only town community buildings for events and such should be built on the surface and need my approval first.

Jeremy Dennis

Lord of Altera
RP Name: Derek Aslath
MC Username: DerekAslath
Link to Character Profile:
Why you want to join: Since leaving the cove, i thought about my charecter profile, and figured my charecter would eventually come to the conclusion that since his parents were killed by selfish people, being a pirate would indeed shame their memory, so in order to seek refuge, he heard of a bandit woman whos friends and child were living in a peaceful grotto where she could protect her them, since i have seen my parents killed before my own eyes i would not wish that on her so i want to live their not just to leave piracy and persecution behind, but to help protect a son/daughter from a fate that i suffer to this day of.


Queen of the Wilds
It's not even really got a whole lot yet... there was a major delay in starting building. Plus... rp wise I don't think my character would compromise her or her child's safety for any amount of money.


i think this place is no longer because portal is closed I thought so


Queen of the Wilds
Yes the portal has been moved to a secret location. :3

Thank you both for taking the time to apply. I will look for you in game so we may rp later tonight.


Queen of the Wilds
Building has been going well... now that we've finally gotten into it (Lars had me slaving away on a server project). The grotto is finally taking shape and looking beautiful. Screen shots to be coming soon.


Lord of Altera
ATM Dwarfs are attacking Elven towns. I think it would be best for you Mmbnarnes to join Thrall.


Lord of Altera
Tchel: I am simply looking for a place to pursue knowledge in peace, regardless of what races reside here. I was hoping since this place was hidden away from everything that the racial binds that exist in Altera wouldn't have been upheld.
Jinx: So this is an elven hold? I thought that since you were also building underground that you might need some help from one who essentially lives underground. Also I thought that there would be no judgement here.


Queen of the Wilds
It is not an elven hold persay. Three of the residents are elven. Two are human, one a siren, one a demon, etc. My character is very nonjudgmental as far as race goes. I just wanted to make sure you were aware of the details. Snag me in game sometime for an rp and I'll show you around so you can see what you think of the place.


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
My character oftentimes travels, and entered Protaras, only to exit after she realized the vast mass of forest right outdoor. Now shes well on her way towards the lands Kemmias rests upon.

She brings wool and cookies (Her kind has trouble eating baked things, so she brings them around to give to people). Would a potential trader be shot on sight, even if they were sitting on a stump and trying not to be lost with the aforementioned goods?

I don't mind surprises, I'm just wondering as to how the eight-person culture is structured.