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Foreverisnow Ban Appeal

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So I just got banned for black magic, and I'm pretty confused. I've never used hacks...ever. I don't know which hack I was banned for, because I swear I didn't use any. I know black magic appeals are usually ignored, but could you at least present to me why you think I used hacks so I can explain what I did rather than...hacking?
I have only one screenshot that I (accidentally) took on the server. This is it:

The context is someone admitted they didnt know what Reddit was. I was going to share it with a friend because this is the first time I've come across someone who had no idea what it was. As you can see, the client is completely normal and not some hacked client. I have no other way to prove myself than this, unless I am told why I was suspected of hacking so I can explain what I was actually doing. This is my first time on an RP server, and I absolutely love it. There'd be no reason for me to hack, anyways - the main theme of the server is RP, not survival or anything, although survival is an element of it.


Lord of Altera
I found your mines yesterday, which you started out incredibly normal (as far as tunnels generally go)
Then you suddenly changed your style, stopped using torches, and went through other peoples tunnels to get diamond there. This isn't unusual, I have seen it before, however, the speed and accuracy of where you dug to, and every tunnel you dug led to diamond had me convinced you're cheating.
I had two other mods with me last night that confirmed it, however I wanted to wait for more evidence, and I'm glad I waited, because your new tunnels are just what I was waiting for.


What you think I xrayed? No, no. I'm not sure how to prove otherwise, but let me explain to you what I do and did last night:
Normally when I mine in resource-specific worlds, I don't make a shaft because I'm used to playing Anarchy or Survival servers and chests usually get looted and shafts get griefed. After I ran out of torches, I just put the brightness up on my monitor and my settings to see. I found some other person's base and just decided to keep my mine shaft going, even though it cut through some of their tunnels. Another technique I used from habit on anarchy servers is, every few blocks, mining a bit to the left and to the right walls, since I'm not going to be going through and making another tunnel that would cut through there. I would do this in anarchy servers so that I could get diamonds ASAP and not get backstabbed by some pvper. Today I found someone digging for cobble, and at their request, didn't attack them or anything. I didn't feel like stacking back up to the surface than mining somewhere else, so I just went to the farthest end of their quarry and started a shaft. If you observe some of my shafts, you'll see the technique I said I use by habit.
Just a few hours ago I even mentioned how xrayers miss out on that giddy feeling when you find diamonds, you can look in the chatlogs.
Also, I usually will mine around gravel, as it is the biggest pain in the youknowwhat to get rid of without a shovel. You could observe that whenever you look at where my tunnels meet gravel.
Like I said, I never hacked and never plan to. It's especially pointless on RP servers. I don't know how else to prove to you that I didn't hack, like you just did if you have any other evidence or suspicions, I can explain them.


Lord of Altera
Hummm I'll just leave these here:
Someone else's tunnels, you just strolled right in, dug into the wall (or floor, like the second picture) and got diamond. I checked your previous mining and you never made a habit to do this unless there was diamond below. How. Lucky.


I'm not sure what point you're making about someone else's tunnels. The only time I went into other tunnels was last night when I found someones mineshaft and continued my own, and today they only tunnels I went into were part of the guy's quarry. Maybe not, I did intersect into others as I mined by I assumed they were part of this guy's quarry.
Like I said, I didn't xray. Please, I have no proof, but please believe me. I still want to be part of this community.


Official Alteran
You know, Sally, his explanation DOES make a lot of sense. I sometimes use the same technique he uses when mining, as in mining a little to the the right or left of the original shaft, and I occasionally get lucky and strike diamonds. The whole torch thing I can agree with because in the right room lighting and brightness setting, you hardly need torches at all. I know I wasn't there. I know I'm not a mod. But just hear me out. So far, the guy's explanation makes sense and I was there to look over his application when he first arrived. He put a lot of time and effort into it, and I can see no possible reason why he would cheat. Just please take that into account.


Lord of Altera
If you wanted to be a part of this community you shouldn't have hacked, it's that easy :I.
I've been hunting xrayers since I first became a mod on this server, I know xray when I see it.


Lord of Altera
You didn't see the tunnels cutlass, there's actually mining and trying to find diamond, and there's "Wow every tunnel leads to diamond!"

I'd like to make a point that in those screenshots, the only thing dug by this guy is the diamonds, the straight hallways are someone else. Which in this case is: Conmaster13 and Jagster08

I feel bad for them when xrayers drain tunnels like this :I.


Lord of Altera
I can 100% back Sally up with this. This is definite Xray. You run through people's tunnels, and suddenly find diamond ore, which can't be seen to the naked eye.
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