Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Forum RP] A most surprising surprise!


Lord of Altera

Just outside the Port Silver Glassworks.
2013-12-10_08.52.16.png 2013-12-10_08.52.24.png 2013-12-10_08.52.43.png 2013-12-10_08.52.50.png

It is dusk along the docks of Port Silver. Citizens go back to their homes, and the dockworkers are cleaning up. In this day, there had been quite some mischief. A fire, and a battle had happened on the streets of Port Silver. There lay a dead body in the middle of the road, which a few dockworkers picked up and walked out.

Alas, there were two workers from the glassworks who needed sand for the making of their glass. They dug the sand and put it in a barrel, then they dug sand for the next barrel. But one of the workers found something. It looked as if it were a few chains linked together.

"Whats this?" the worker asked.
The other one shrugged and said "It looks like chainmail to me... But what would-"
Both workers froze and they both had the same idea. They dug, and dug until they found a body, buried within the sands. Both workers gasped, when they found a man with his hands and legs tied up, a missing eye, and a knife between both of his eyes. They pulled the knife out to find dried black blood all over the knife. They rushed to pull the man out of the sands, and stumbled as they pulled him out.

"Somebody help! We've found a dead man!"

(Please only reply if your doing the forum RP. OOC comments can come, if your actually roleplaying too, but other than that, no OOC comments.)


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Lord of Altera
Dian would eye the body sinking to the ocean floor. Grinning. {That was easier than I thought.} (You forgot the blood drawing of a vulture by the sand.)


Lord of Altera
Dian would eye the body sinking to the ocean floor. Grinning. {That was easier than I thought.} (You forgot the blood drawing of a vulture by the sand.)
(Wait, what?... Oh I must of missed that, sorry)

After a few long hours, the workers finally decide its time to go back home. The workers walked a few steps before something caught the first workers eye, and he stopped.
"Whats wrong?" the other one asked as he stopped too.
The first worker stared for a few moments. "Whats this supposed to be? Some kind of drawing? Err, Baldor... Did you draw this?"
Baldor walked back to the worker and stared at the picture for a moment.
"No, I believe I didn't... What's this supposed to be?"
"I dunno, some kind of... bird?"
"Yeah, I guess so... Eh, it probably doesn't matter. Lets go home."
"I guess your right."

And the two walked home, leaving the drawing there to sit, and soon, it began to rain.