Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Free City] Port Mirage


Lord of Altera
Most of us have heard of Mirage, brilliant oasis in deep desert. I am proud to announce, that Mirage is expanding into the sea. We are building Mirage's sister city - Port Mirage. At the moment it is still under construction, but already it has 8 medium seized houses and 2 villas for sale.
We have stables connecting port with Mirage, store room, and dock. At the moment dock has a fishing bay and one ship connecting it with Timbervale.
In plans I have library to do enchanting, alchemist's, tavern outside city walls for incoming traffic, sewage system for RP and lastly, canal allowing row boat transport to Mirage. General idea is, that city center, especially near the docs, is to be trade concentrated. That is why living area are, as it were, above the shop. Couple of houses have additional level, allowing any workshop.
For all the citizens, that do not wish to trade, I am planning to do smaller houses further from the center.
eventually there will be Colliseum, circus maximus, town hall, embassies aqueducts, and many many more it all depends how popular the city will be.
The city is located to the west of Mirage, by the sea.
Theme of this city is Roman, when it was an empire.
This is Free city, it means that we do not take part in any force struggle, we are peacefull folk open to everyone.
If You feel, that this city is for You, contact
Godefroy666 or Rauyran.
Cya in game



Lord of Altera
I hope I can get more citizens though. Otherwise it will be still city of ghosts :/
Oh no, wait, I do have one citizen :)


Loyal Servant of Altera
Hi! I'm the one citizen! :D
You're right, we do need to advertise... How about a thread under Port Silver Trading Co., advertising the shops we have and that space is still available to open shop?


Lord of Altera
houses by the docks yes, they are ment to be shops. All sellers i think should advertise their goods wherever they can. port silver trading thread is good place to start