Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Freedom and a Choice


The rain fell hard upon Martha's head as the man called out from down the road. She had seen responses like this from other locals, slaves were not common, slaves were immoral, but nothing quite like this man. There was something different about his torn face and piercing red eyes, something sadder, more connected. The argument went on, until those dreaded words were spoken "A price." "A sale."

She had enjoyed her time with the company, as much as a slave could. They were far kinder than the Barbarians, and infinitely more than the original slavers. Words were exchanged, and she began to shake more and more. A new owner, would be awful, she'd have to leave Isidore, and all the animals, and the farm...But as she looked up, it appeared as though the man had no intention of owning her at all, in face, quite the opposite, he wanted to free her. This concept had long been beaten out of Martha's thoughts, but there it was, again, hanging in front of her like a carrot on a string.

Questions and offers were tossed around, most of them to her. She didn't know how to respond to most of them, and she began to shake more and more, the decision looming over her head. And finally, she decided she would be free, if the company would so allow it, and for the right price they would. She could still work with Isidore, her friend she loved dearly, and even with the company, again, as a free woman. Finally, they settled, seven thousand radiants, more money than what Martha has collectively owned over the period of her entire life. And just like that, the Laktinions rubbed their hands together, and with a chuckle, she was free. It was like a great burden had been lifted from her shoulders, she could finally do so many things, things that before were mere fantasies.

As her savior began to make a hasty exit, she approached, embracing him warmly. It was perhaps the first hug she'd given in over five years. But it was a wonderful one, and he left with a smile upon his face. She smiled, too, warmly and truly, and stood up a little straighter, for the first time. Belisar approached her about a potential paying, job offer, and she accepted to speak with him with a smile. Many of the bystanders discouraged this, of course. Why go work for those who kept you as a slave before? Although things were different, perhaps Martha could not bring herself to leave what she has found so comfortable for the past few years. It was different, now, she told herself, and she knew it. There were many new things she could do, and experience.

For the first time in a very long time, Martha could make a choice for herself, and she was happy.

((Ok so yeah slave char Martha was freed in some fun RP yaya, just felt like writing about it, because why not? Freewoman party time~))
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