Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Gabb von Scab's RP Profile + Story

Gabb von Scab

Name: Dylan Thorsson

Nickname/Alias: Gabb/ Gabb Von Scab

Age: 23



Height: 5'9

Weight: 73 Kg

Hair: Brown (Sometimes dyed red. You do not want to know where he got the "paint")

Eyes: Deep-blue

Skin: Fair

Identifying Marks: Trying to speak proper, using "Sir" or "M'lords", Pyromania, speaking random things to himself when he is alone.

Appearance: An old, muddy noble outfit, hair covering his left eye, wears iron pads on knees/shoulders during combat, obsession about dynamite.

Strengths: Helpfulness, somewhat capable ranger (though he prefers his spells), potion knowledge, diplomatic skills.

Weaknesses and fears: Can not take many hits. Easily distracted during his somewhat..."Not-sane-at-all" moments. Deathly afraid of the doppler-effect.

Religion and cults: Unknown... Seems to circle frantically around cauldrons and/or worship some kind of deity during thunderstorms, however.

Profession: Diplomat, Mage and Scholar.

Von scab is a, what should we say, gentleman with strange courtesies. He is helpful and polite, though still teasing. Cheerful, yet depressed. Creative, but ever-so destructive.

Gabb's past lies in an old ruined keep his parents had moved in, born by the name Dylan, originally. Due to his father being in heavy debts, he had to change names many times, his favorite being the nickname "Gabb". He grew up in a quiet environment, with his family along the fishermen and farmers living nearby. As he grew up, he had the idea of himself being a lord of the old keep, and took up honorary titles as Sir or Lord. Once his dad had joked and called him "Von Scab". He would take that name for himself later in life.

Many years later, Gabb was growing bored of his life, having explored every corner of the keep. But one day he found an old cave, just outside the keep's forested regions. His parents could not find him, and he was presumed dead. Believing the keep to be cursed, they left short after.

However, once 3 year passed, he re-surfaced. He was looking at the local people with a calm, giggling, yet somewhat crazy attitude, and what he was talking about was not very sane too:
Blabbering about the Crafters of old, weird lights and explosive pigs, along with a disturbing obsession about TNT. unsurprisingly, he was quickly driven away from the island, and was forced on a boat to the northern kingdoms. Now, he have the opportunity to make himself a real keep fit for a lord, the chance to blow up some pigs, and maybe even get some like-minded friends along the way.