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Ghost Link In Signature


The Lurker
Retired Staff
Help. I've done all I can think of. You may notice there is an invisible link in my signature, right under the Aracena Mithtanil. It links to House Mithtanil junk. I can't get rid of it. When I edit my signature, there's nothing there. When I do Ctrl+A and DEL or Backspace, it erases everything. And yet the link still survives even thought everything else is erased. It counts it as a fifth line, so I can't add anything else to my sig.

What I'm wanting is to link the new Thiil Census page, but can't. Also, as it counts as a link, I have to be careful with my linkage. ;-;

Why does it do this? How do I make it go away? Erasing everything does nothing.


Did you try using the remove formatting button on a blank signature? Also, try using the bbcode editor button as that might list the link.


The Lurker
Retired Staff
Did you try using the remove formatting button on a blank signature? Also, try using the bbcode editor button as that might list the link.
The "remove formatting button" was also a failure on multiple tries in the past. HOWEVER the BB Code editor did show it. :heart: