Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Greylings, not Kind-lings.


Magus of Nothing
There has been a slight issue with the greyling characters being created on the server. As I understand it Greylings are supposed to be Xenophobic, manipulative and wishing to further their own aims, not anyone else's.

Now trust me, these types of characters are amazingly fun to RP as. The issue is that really half of the greyling characters I've seen that haven't been directly influenced by myself (those made by my brothers) have been rgeylings that have been raised in other societies and are frilly little creatrues that love everyone except greylings, yayayay, happy happy!


Greylings should not be as described above, they should be little sneaky things that everyone despises because at every turn they have managed to outsmart you and you end up in a cage as they begin to eat your friends in front of you.

So please, if you're going to make a greyling don't make him a halfling with grey skin and some slight hate towards other greylings. Make greylings, not kind-lings.(Thank you Baron :p)
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