Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Guild Wars 2 has included me as a mob!


Cobblestone King
After mashing the keyboard for around four hours to get into the actual game, after each five minutes to disconnect by a time out, to see hundred of players at one spot causing massive lag.. And finally see your own personal character has included into a game you have been waiting for five years... Priceless.



<3 Hollow World
I didn't think GW2 was out yet or was this just part of the latest beta weekend? From the picture it looks rather nice to be honest, more my thing than Diablo 3, which I'm disappointed in :(


<3 Hollow World
Wife has apparently pre-ordered me GW2 already as she spotted me watching a few movies for it on you-tube, happy birthday to me, I get a present at some point in the near future!

*strokes new Boogie Bug mouse map*