Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Hello, it's me again...

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You obviously know me from the book stealing and greifing, etc. I just want to say to everyone saying I was stealing after being unbanned was wrong. I was acting stupid when I was greifing and stealing. I apologize to Thea and anyone I stole from in the process. I have had time to think. I will not do this again, I ask for a second chance to play this server as it is one of the best I have seen.

Thank you for your time-

Avery Thomas

Sorrows Warrior
You were perm'banned the first time. Lying about NOT stealing after unban is bad. Running away when we talk to you is bad. Not giving the items back is bad. I even gave you a chance to say sorry ingame, give the item's back, and continue. But no, you go and grief some more.

I demand a slap to thy face.


King ForumStalker
/me slaps face.

You were given multiple chances, and chose to throw them back in Thea's face, so unless overturned by a King, the ban stays.


<3 Hollow World
Ben, I'll take a leap of faith and give you another chance. It's the last one though so please behave. This is the last chance you get on Hollow World.


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
Hahahaha lol kaies.
But seriosuly ben, even being slightly abusive would get you banned at this point.
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