Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Lord of Altera
I'm trudging through my likes on Tumblr, and I have a lot of references having to do with a lot of different things. I'm not kidding theres so much. too much.

so I'm posting the ones most useful to this server here. (warning, some tumblr urls have swearing and nsfw references. can't change that. sorry. you can use Ponify to censor slurs and curse words)

Medieval Monarchy
Knife Fighting (please please please dagger-wielding rogues read this)
Lady of the Manor
Lord of the Manor
Dialogue (especially useful to roleplayers)
Hemmingway App (not useful to roleplayers that much. but good to mess with)
Braid Styles (there are too many people running about with their hair flowing in the breeze. control your locks)
useful for prophecies and rap battles
a list of african monarchies, with some added pacific island monarchies
General Writer and Roleplayer Tips
Make Good Sentences
Anatomy of a Castle
Character Flaws (save your character from the dreaded OP for free!)
Writing Essentials (death, wilderness, mob mentalities, weather, other cultures)
Psychosis (read read read read)
209 Words To Describe Touch
Fairy Tales and the Brothers Grimm
Character Arc
"Non-Nuclear Societal-Normal Family Systems" (basically, alternate family structures than male-female-kids)
Making an "OC" (Warning: Masterpost)
Friendly Reminder on Diversity in Medieval Times
RealTimeBoard (probably more useful to staff)
Greek Mythology
an Article on the Amazon and how its technically man-made
Ravens and Wolves
Atmosphere in Writing
Geographical Descriptors
Playing a Wallflower
Long-Term Relationships that Actually Work Out (please people. please. at least one healthy relationship. love yourselves.)
Relationships in General
More Tips on Healthy Relationships (this is so important)
"Unpacking" your Writing (what I can't do to save my life)
Character Names
Sir Morien
How to End a Story
When Your Character Lost Someone Special to Them

Pictures for... Inspiration?

The Secret of Kells
Minecraft Server Screenshots

Hoatzin, a tropical bird and a living fossil

Ornate Hawk Eagle

entelecheia — in the philosophy of Aristotle, the condition of a thing whose essence is fully realized



Lord of Altera
more pictures because I hit picture limit

"Snow White and Rose-Red", picture by Adelaida

an angel

another angel

this is an angelic being

"Come Undone" Exhibit

"Atheris hispida also known as the Hairy Bush Viper, or Rough-scaled Tree Viper"
