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Heu... I don't understand. Unban me please.

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Ok, I got ban for grief and lying. For the griefing point, I put 1 chest and some in a desert tower in Raven Nest town because i didn't ave any town and my friend (Djertnerap) said to we can put our chest temporary before find a town and move in it. But I never destroy something in Raven Nest.
For the lying point I don't understand. I never lie, when Izzaboy try to ban me. I think I didn't read
some of his message because everybody was using the chat in same time and maybe I don't answer to his question. I am sorry if I ave done trouble. I am not a griefer and never destroy nothing (for chest in Raven Nest they diseaper). I will never do trouble again if you unban me. The server is amazing why would I destroy it ??? And lying is bad.

If you don't agree explain to me please. Cpt_Lolo


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
I think we need to wait for itzza.
Id check the logs myself but im having pc troubles(big surprise)


<3 Hollow World
Lolo if you're innocent you have nothing to fear, we'll get to the bottom of it. Weekends are primarily family time for me but I'll have a chat with Itzza and look at the logs if I get a moment free :)


The Watcher
Firstly... 1 chest? How about when you and you're merry band of misfits defaced the town spawn point, yes that is the tower you all made a lounge in, there were at least 7 chests full of pure crap, many furnaces, vines on the inside and new holes broken in the wall... many of which were caused by you.

Secondly you all decided it would be appropriate to then go down to my personal build, that big dark city underground, and start lighting it up with torches EVERYWHERE, broke a hole in another town and set up a little home in that.

So yes you did grief, an admins build no less, and you lied about lying.


King ForumStalker
Really its Alphas choice, I banned in his place since he wasnt online.

Me and Alpha went into the tower and in one of the rooms, full of locketted chests, furnaces and even signs saying things like "This is Cpt. Lolo's chair". There were 2 others involved but I can't remember there names, Alpha sure does though.

Me and Alpha saw it, and im sure if the logs go back far enough you'll find lots of proof about chests, furnaces and lockette signs being placed.

We know you did it and even still you decided to lie, which is a big no-no from my point of view.


Complete and utter disrespect of someone elses build, not to mention it shows a lack of understanding of our server and it shows you have not read the ToC at all.


King of the north!
Although this is locked, i would like to know how he placed stuff in a town without being a member?
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