Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Homeless girl looking for a faction to join!


Lord of Altera
*A letter is posted on slightly dirty paper, all around Port Silver*

I am in need of a good home (faction) that will take care of me. These are the only things I require:

1. The faction/town cannot be infected with the Plauge.

2. The faction cannot be a war faction, or a warmonger faction.

3. The faction must have fair rules.

4. The faction also must have some wizards.

5. Since I am poor, I will not be able to get a good home, so there needs to be a home under 20 ruppies. (Or whatever the money is called, cannot remember xD)

This is all I require. Along with building materails, and food.

Thank you,

Rose Cleary


Lord of Altera
1. Oh, towns, cities. You know what I mean. xD (Other game I play calls em "factions", that's why)

2. Thankie.


Not A Pirate
Retired Staff
I suggest looking/asking around in RP and as for the wizards thing there on only, by my count, four capable Magi around, and I don't suggest demanding things of them.


Lord of Altera
I wasn't really demanding, more of asking "Hey, where are there wizards around here?"

Also, I come from a different RP server with different rules and commands than this one, so I'm a little swamped with the "How-to" knowledge.


The Alchemist
Retired Staff
I wasn't really demanding, more of asking "Hey, where are there wizards around here?"

Also, I come from a different RP server with different rules and commands than this one, so I'm a little swamped with the "How-to" knowledge.
Yeah, it takes a bit to get used to, no problem! I suggest actually looking in RP to find the Magus'.. although there are very few. If you need help, please don't hesitate to give me a poke! My IG name is icefire120, or Athryl. Just let me know if you need anything.


Lord of Altera
Azerport and Marr is open to you if you like. Marr itself has a prideful military.
But we do not go out trying to take others land. It's used as to defend its citizens.

As to the plague.... Two and only two has it and they are mine but /can/ spread it. They are aware of this and has taken precautions and won't infect the others.

We offer protection and a safe haven in our city.

You'll be granted a free home and if you wish, I can make a shop where you can sell your wares.

Most importantly, we try to create a realistic town and RP center here.
Each member has an RP job and they do it well. It really is a nice group of people there.

I need to redo the Azerport census thread because it is outdated but here is a nice lil link of the people you'd get to know.

All of us would really like you to join and will do our best to help you out anyway needed.

So Whataya say? ;)


Dark Council Elite
Marr is actually very very infested with the plague. I would suggest House FUbar, which although it does not exist in-character just yet, and BLARG MESSED UP THE NAME, it (House Fuvur) can offer a stable and unique experience in the future. I can say that RP with the people currently involved has been incredibly entertaining, and being a part of the formation of something /fairly important/ can give you unlimited possibilities.

So, as a tally.

Bastion's Lull Inn. Incredible setting, ambience, and lots of RP. A stable home.

No infection. All people who enter the inn are uninfected or simply not allowed to enter. The doors are always locked ICly, to prevent contamination.

There is no plan in place for military organization and movement. It is, as far as we have set up, a peaceful but determined system centered a lot around politics and fairness.

My character Eudoxius is very wealthy IC, and could very likely pay for her to live there in the inn, assuming he sees potential in her and enjoys her company.

Wizards galore. (Cannot spoil OOC, for fear of metagame!)

@blargtheawesome - am i mostly right



Lord of Altera
Marr is actually very very infested with the plague. I would suggest House FUbar, which although it does not exist in-character just yet, and BLARG MESSED UP THE NAME, it (House Fuvur) can offer a stable and unique experience in the future. I can say that RP with the people currently involved has been incredibly entertaining, and being a part of the formation of something /fairly important/ can give you unlimited possibilities.

So, as a tally.

Bastion's Lull Inn. Incredible setting, ambience, and lots of RP. A stable home.

No infection. All people who enter the inn are uninfected or simply not allowed to enter. The doors are always locked ICly, to prevent contamination.

There is no plan in place for military organization and movement. It is, as far as we have set up, a peaceful but determined system centered a lot around politics and fairness.

My character Eudoxius is very wealthy IC, and could very likely pay for her to live there in the inn, assuming he sees potential in her and enjoys her company.

Wizards galore. (Cannot spoil OOC, for fear of metagame!)

@blargtheawesome - am i mostly right

Two people who are only carriers who are aware that they have it and takes precautions to not spread does not mean that it is /infested/ .

We have about 17 active members and only 2 has it.... :)


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Marr is actually very very infested with the plague. I would suggest House FUbar, which although it does not exist in-character just yet, and BLARG MESSED UP THE NAME, it (House Fuvur) can offer a stable and unique experience in the future. I can say that RP with the people currently involved has been incredibly entertaining, and being a part of the formation of something /fairly important/ can give you unlimited possibilities.

So, as a tally.

Bastion's Lull Inn. Incredible setting, ambience, and lots of RP. A stable home.

No infection. All people who enter the inn are uninfected or simply not allowed to enter. The doors are always locked ICly, to prevent contamination.

There is no plan in place for military organization and movement. It is, as far as we have set up, a peaceful but determined system centered a lot around politics and fairness.

My character Eudoxius is very wealthy IC, and could very likely pay for her to live there in the inn, assuming he sees potential in her and enjoys her company.

Wizards galore. (Cannot spoil OOC, for fear of metagame!)

@blargtheawesome - am i mostly right

'least wait 'till the place exists IC yet, yo.


The Alchemist
Retired Staff
Also, let's not swamp her with confusing stuff. Let her find out IC guys, much better that way. Plus she already applied to Thiil so she's mine.


Based on what?
Retired Staff
Started? I've been using this color for a while now...
I try to use it in every post but sometimes I forget to


Lord of Altera
You can if you want to, but the darkest shade of red is claimed and being used by me. And ever since the first post I used color in I havn't forgotten to use it.