Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The original mute
Now, I know what those of you who know what homeworld is are thinking. Why is a game from 1999 being made known to the forums. Well, I'll tell you why. It's cause I play it still. And still find it the most amazing rts game ever, not because of the graphics but because of the mechanics and the story telling. My question to you is, does anyone have this, and hamachi? If so let me know, that way I can add you to a hamachi server and play a LAN game with you.


Real life redstone crafter
Homeworld! That brings back memories! Awesome game. Just found the learning/difficulty curve of the game rather steep.

Done lot's of levels but making mistakes in previous ones will have consequences in the later ones. For example I didn't have fighter units so I wasted a lot of time making some and then I got wiped out... (Don't know if that was HW1 or HW2 by the way...)


Real life redstone crafter
But to get on topic. Don't have it anymore. Could probably download it again but never played multiplayer. What is it? Coop or against each other? Doing the game coop would be fun I think :)


The original mute
Don't know if there is a coop mod, I meant to face someone, cause I easily wipe out the ai in skirmish. Also I have to say the learning curve is like climbing a mountain with no safety gear, one wrong turn and you could fall. Oh and I have hw1 and 2 and a less known about unofficial story cataclysm. Anyway, I'm a veteran, if you want to play but don't want to get totally wiped get hw2 it's got many different menanics to the first, and I don't play it as often.