Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Horuss's Application [Accepted - Adam]


Legend of Altera
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
  1. Horusscope
  2. 19
  3. I’m from the US, and my timezone is EST, most of the time.
  4. Yes, I’ve read through them and gotten a general idea of things.
  5. Metagaming: Having a character act in a way that accounts for information that the player knows, while the character would not know it.
    Example: A player designs a house with a secret treasure cache for someone else, out of character. This house is then implemented. Later, the player’s character goes to the house in a group and immediately goes towards the area with the secret chest, finding it quickly.
    Powergaming: A flawed style of play defined prioritizing “power” within a mechanics system rather than the roleplay that is supposed to accompany it. This usually comes with the mindset of trying to “win” something, or against something or someone, instead of the building of a narrative. This type of play is more suited towards single player games.
    Example: A Game Master runs a tabletop game for 3 players. The first and second players make relatively interesting, fun characters to begin. The Third Player begins with something that they believe is very optimized, and when the session begins, there is a very clear imbalance in the group, with Player 3’s character handling, say, combat for example effortlessly while the other two struggle (this happens in some cases unintentionally).
Common traits of someone with a Powergaming mindset may include having underdeveloped, uninteresting or “samey” characters, trying “too hard” [usually to boost stats or acquire an “optimal” item], and generally paying less attention to the game than the actual numbers.
  1. No, they are not allowed or tolerated, and that goes for things that give players an unfair advantage.
  2. Without revealing too much personal information, I am a college student with an interest in baking, ecology, linguistics, and evolutionary biology. I also enjoy games, tabletop and video, such as Celeste, Hollow Knight, Transistor and Hades, to name just a few.
A friend (Byrne) referred me to the server. Also plays the characters Byrne and Hellmann.

Character Name:
Hysope Kegheart

Character Age:

Character Race:

Hysope is a dwarf that stands at about 4’8” in height, her sun-marked skin wrapped with a dull red blouse-like garment that leaves the shoulders and lower neck somewhat visible, but obscured by the pale violet, translucent shawl she wears. The greenish breeches she wears lead into sturdy, worn leather boots, stained by unknown means. Her hair is a dull copper tone and is unbraided, somewhat unusually for a Kegheart dwarf.

Written Test:

Hysope had never seen this many people in one place. They streamed across the pitted paths of Storm's Landing like a shouting, stumbling river, and there must have been countless more in the sturdy buildings that rose above the crowds. She had been part of this river for some time, wandering with its flow in search of a particular taproom. She only remembered pieces of its name; The... Whale and something Taproom, a brick building by the path, similar to many others in the town. Asking around only yielded similar responses.
She must have taken a look at every building on the path, but looking over them again saw one word that stuck out: "Whale." Immediately, she crossed the bustle towards the sign, and walked into The Tilted Whale and Anchored Taproom.
The tavern was quiet, save for the snoring of a man atop a carpeted table and the scratching of a quill towards the end of the room. A familiar face looked up from the quill and parchment on the other side of the room to meet her eyes.
"Ah, Hellmann. It's been a while,"
"You do remember me, right?" She added before the fellow dwarf could respond.
Hellmann raised a curious brow, before her realization. "Who- Oh my god... It's you-"
She pushed herself out of her chair with a cursory look at Hysope. Her movements seemed jagged, as though she were limping.
With a snort, the man lying on the table stirred to a state not quite awake.
Pointing in front of herself at Hysope, she suddenly shouted out "By the udders of Sallana, it’s Muvan!"
The mention of the name knocked her away from her thought, and she stopped in her place, scrambling to organize a new one, "That-I haven't gone by the name in years. I'll introduce myself again, as Hysope."
At Hysope’s words, Hellmann’s expression shifted back to curiosity. "Fer fuck’s sake, ye got married, too?"
As she chuckled at her joke, there was a wheeze between, as she turned her face to the side. Hysope caught a glimpse of the pained expression she had. Something was not quite right in her sister’s manner.
Hysope smiled warmly at the joke. "I'm still a Kegheart. Don't think that'll change for a while."
The siblings in the room had last seen her when she was young. It had been many years, and Hysope had shed her old, younger appearance. Her hair lacked the braids it once had, and the outfit that she wore composed of a red blouse, her shoulders and neck covered by a sort of worn, purple, silk-like garment. She stood in sturdy, stained boots enveloping a set of what seemed to be breeches.
Without as much as a pause, Hysope made her way over to the table by Hellmann and spoke her next piece of mind, "You seem ill. Are you well?"
Hellmann shook her head in response, turning to spit some blood onto the tavern floor. "Phew! No, had an encounter with a Water Horse."
Hysope nodded. So an injury, she thought. "That's too bad. I haven't seen many horses in the water."
She spat another time, and shook her head, braids swinging. "Terrible beast, we slayed it and got its eggs. Where the ever flying fuck have you been?”
Hysope paused.
"After I left the Woods' Edge? I wandered... a lot of the time, it’s a blur. I've learned a few things."
"Well, I would've hoped so... we thought you were dead. God, Ruvan ought to blow his bagpipes to this one."
A thought came to Hysope, "Just how many of our ilk are around here?"
Her sister began to count on her fingers. "Ruvan, Shuvan, Tuvan, Duvan, Huvan, Luvan, And I."
"That's seven to catch up with, then." She looked over to the senseless man on the table.
"Is that...?"
"Yup... that is him..." She looked to Shuvan and shakes her head in disapproval.
As she looked towards him, a realization spread across her face. The white-haired man’s face was familiar, but not what she had expected. "...Not father. Shuvan...?"
"Oh? Ye thought it was the old bag? Nay, it’s just Shuvan. Done enough shrooms to turn his hair white, at this point."
Hysope looked away from the body on the table, and took a seat. "Right then. I'll need a drink."


He/Him, They/Them


I'm pleased to announce your application has been approved. I hope you enjoy your stay in Altera. Before logging on make sure you read the Survival Guide. It will help you on your way to get established in our World. If you need to know any additional information, everything can be found in our King's Law. Make sure you consult either of these two before asking a question in-game or on discord.

+You are probably eager to jump into the game, so there is no need to read all the links. Just use these as a reference for later.+

Survival Guide - Read this to help when you login!
The King's Law
How to Create a Character
The Official Lore
Town Census
Plugins Command Guide
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