Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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House August Charity Foundation


Retired Staff
Are you new to the server, have no place to stay and nothing to keep you alive? Do not worry! The August Charity Foundation offers a quick and free way out. If you've found your way here, and you have no place to stay yet, post here, and one of our members will contact you for your free starters kit!

A free starters kit will consist of a shovel, pickaxe, sword and some food to keep you alive during your first steps in Altera.

The August Charity Foundation operates both IC and OOC. OOC it gives new players a way to survive during their first steps in Altera, IC it will help and support the peasants living in Heaven's Reach and its settlements, providing free food and shelter.

The organization is lead by Kvothe Noldor, one of House August's heirs, but every member of House August is a member of the organization and will contribute in the goal to aid Altera and its inhabitants (mostly by handing out a starters kit when available).

So, post your in-game name below, and a starters kit will be given to you as soon as possible! Joining Heaven's Reach is no requirement to recieve a starters kit (however, you are free to do so if you wish!).

House August

@bodejodel @Redocs @DraconDarknight