Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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How good would this be?


Lord of Altera
Hello everyone, recently I was just asking myself a question when I was playing Hollowworld and that questions was:
What would a Walking Dead role play server be like?

- To me this would be so good. We wouldn't have it around the main plot, we would have our own story! The spawn would be a safe zone and people would go out and scavenge and create their own groups where they will have test their humanity just to survive with the threat of the dead and the living.

It would also be great for roleplaying, with leadership, character development, power and humanity.

How do you guys feel about it, and could it be a possibility?


Lord of Altera
I like the idea but I think it would be a bit of a chore to regulate.

For example, say there are two main groups each with their own 'base'. Since not everyone could be on at the same time, one group might have 70 percent of its members logged in and the other has 15. Then this larger group could attack and it wouldn't exactly be fair considering one side isn't fully manned.

If it could be managed well, I think it'd be very interesting, sending out raiding groups and whatnot. Might also be helpful to build a modern world in ruins, but that might be a bit too much of a task, though a rural setting with sparse buildings would do the trick.

Just tossing some things out there, not shooting you down because I would enjoy this.


Lord of Altera
I like the idea but I think it would be a bit of a chore to regulate.

For example, say there are two main groups each with their own 'base'. Since not everyone could be on at the same time, one group might have 70 percent of its members logged in and the other has 15. Then this larger group could attack and it wouldn't exactly be fair considering one side isn't fully manned.

If it could be managed well, I think it'd be very interesting, sending out raiding groups and whatnot. Might also be helpful to build a modern world in ruins, but that might be a bit too much of a task, though a rural setting with sparse buildings would do the trick.

Just tossing some things out there, not shooting you down because I would enjoy this.
The problem you discussed in your first paragraph can easily be dealt with. Even in Hollowworld when you want to organise a battle, such as the one with the massive Mecernary group against a fort of bandits. Good communication can make it possible.


Lord of Altera
The problem you discussed in your first paragraph can easily be dealt with. Even in Hollowworld when you want to organise a battle, such as the one with the massive Mecernary group against a fort of bandits. Good communication can make it possible.
I'm merely stating that considering how lots of things in HW work, people would assault such a base and claim it was theirs and it would create a big pointless problem. Setting some basic rules would definitely fix it, it's just getting people to follow them.


Lord of Altera
I'm merely stating that considering how lots of things in HW work, people would assault such a base and claim it was theirs and it would create a big pointless problem. Setting some basic rules would definitely fix it, it's just getting people to follow them.
It's worked on here :)


Yū Yi
I would love this idea... but then... The zombies on the server would have to be modificated

for example...

Slower movement speed, but chance for a runner to appear with slightly over normal speed

Hits gives poison

Upon death a zombie is spawned

And other things


Lord of Altera
I would love this idea... but then... The zombies on the server would have to be modificated

for example...

Slower movement speed, but chance for a runner to appear with slightly over normal speed

Hits gives poison

Upon death a zombie is spawned

And other things
Dunno, would you need to modify them? I mean they don't move too fast when you think of it.


Yū Yi
Yeah... But... Also... you can also lower or raise their intellegence... So many possibilities! :D

I think different zombies would be great if this became a thing

I would have character like clementine


Yū Yi
we could retexture bows... We can give different enchantmens different textures... think there is texturepacks for that... we would have to ask the maker for permission though


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Eh, I've thought the concept of an apocalypse-type setting for RP would be fairly amusing before. Though, m'sure I'm not the only one with only the vaguest of ideas about the actual in-depth Walking Dead. And in terms of modernness, why not make it an oddly alternate-reality Altera? Hundred-ish years later, over the course of that time some bad happened- say the evil gods ate the rest- and now are sadistically giggling as monsters roam about the world and only a handful of people remain.


Yū Yi
Eh, I've thought the concept of an apocalypse-type setting for RP would be fairly amusing before. Though, m'sure I'm not the only one with only the vaguest of ideas about the actual in-depth Walking Dead. And in terms of modernness, why not make it an oddly alternate-reality Altera? Hundred-ish years later, over the course of that time some bad happened- say the evil gods ate the rest- and now are sadistically giggling as monsters roam about the world and only a handful of people remain.


Lord of Altera
Kaza, you were supposed to think of this BEFORE the other world was chosen. :p

I've actually had a look for various servers of this type and after a bit of thought I think it'd require a LOT of modding.

For example, creeping around zombies without them noticing you, covering yourself in zombie flesh, various weapons that all have different uses against them, alternative uses of the same weapons, making contact with a zombie that doesn't result in being bitten, the removal of limbs to prevent infections, zombies following "a scent" despite it no longer being there, crawlers, destroyed camps, filled camps, scary cults (although I suppose that's more player based, one would still need lots of destroyed residences and so forth), combat not regulated to simple PvP, combat not regulated to simple PvM, uhh...

Basically, the more realistic you want it, the harder it'll be. Personally, I don't think that Minecraft is suitable for a proper zombie apocalypse RP server just yet.


Lord of Altera
Unrelatedly related...?
There are several rather decent fallout servers that are rpable...