Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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I am looking for rp teacher


Official Alteran
hello as the title states I am looking for someone that has experience in various fields and wants to teach syrrione those things in rp.


Official Alteran
well I am a commander so yes I could become bettr at it but I still need someone to teach me various things


Lord of Altera
Astrid can teach you smithing, weapon uses, how to skin animals and some other stuff that I can't remember right now


Lord of Altera
Erm- Question.
Surely if you want an RP then you should actually roleplay to find one? It's simple enough to ask around Port Silver to find a teacher and adds another aspect to your own roleplay with this whole act of exploration rather than simply walking around the opportunity. It'd also probably make more sense then walking up to a random stranger who magically decides to teach you as you ask OOCly in a thread.


Mountain Bum
Retired Staff
Erm- Question.
Surely if you want an RP then you should actually roleplay to find one? It's simple enough to ask around Port Silver to find a teacher and adds another aspect to your own roleplay with this whole act of exploration rather than simply walking around the opportunity. It'd also probably make more sense then walking up to a random stranger who magically decides to teach you as you ask OOCly in a thread.
It's more fun this way too :D


Natus de Aurum; Natus ex bellum
Erm- Question.
Surely if you want an RP then you should actually roleplay to find one? It's simple enough to ask around Port Silver to find a teacher and adds another aspect to your own roleplay with this whole act of exploration rather than simply walking around the opportunity. It'd also probably make more sense then walking up to a random stranger who magically decides to teach you as you ask OOCly in a thread.
I may be wrong, but the way I read the thread was that Brokk was looking for someone to teach him how to RP properly, not an in-character teacher to teach HIS character how to use these skills?


Lord of Altera
Well I have great new armour (totally not made from it's very tough scales) and she can still teach using her left, she just has to rebuild the muscle and get used to it