Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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I need a reason for this


Is there a specific reason to bother giving up the no killing vows? I imagine if you just want them to break, once the time comes it'll come :p

Breaking vows isn't as dramatic or traumatic if you plan it out yourself.


Lord of Altera
I need a reason for my character to give up his no killing vows, any suggestions?
It's a very serious thing for a character to undergo this kind of change. Don't take it lightly, it will likely completely reshape your character and they the character is played forever.

Now, a lot of pent up emotional trauma/outrage/feels can be more than enough, if a gentle nudge in the right direction is applied.


Sorrows Warrior
^ This is very true, and my character's reason did happen to be emotional stress/deity change caused by emotional stress. He switched to Skeira and deemed a simple criminal unworthy, thus having a reason to kill him. Do NOT take it lightly, as it does affect your character in many ways.
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Well. Scardrac snapped because of all the cheesy, unworthy, pathetic lovelives/marriages/partnerships/etc.
All the ones before his next wife who he'll "love forever", then? :p

But yeah. Huge choice, and you'll find with things like the Chevaliers / Maguses around you'll be forced to face consequences if you get caught. Hopefully you don't mean making your character a crazy killer, though :p


Legend of Altera
I need a reason for my character to give up his no killing vows, any suggestions?
Well i think it lies more in his darker past, if he realises that being strict against violence in such a world is a very hard vow to keep, and i don't tink he would ever give it up, but merely that he wouldn't be afraid of killing those which deserved it and not those which where innocent, basically like everyone else :)


Legend of Altera
Galo doesn't kill anyone, even those who deserve it. I'm wanting a reason to have him give up his vows for those who do deserve it


The Arbiter of the Gods
Bottling up the anger until you crack?
That's quite a universal one, as for the most part you can do it outside of RP~. :3