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IC bleeding to OOC


Lord of Altera
I was talking to @Somnastra about this, and its definitely a serious issue.

the mods have noticed a pattern of IC hostility bleeding into OOC hostility, and most of them are currently discussing solutions to this emergent problem.

for now, I'll say: Try to remember a person is not their character, and be extra careful to separate IC and OOC

discuss further below


Lord of Altera
This happens in ebbs and flows. OOC hate comes from IC hate, and people just need a reminder that the person on the other side of the internet is a human that makes mistakes. Try to look past the mistakes, and find the human behind.


Lord of Altera
Ok, in my opinion, I think that our characters are a reflection of an aspect of ourselves (sometimes not the best thing to think about) WE control their actions and WE control their emotions so it's understandable that their is hostility born form one character's hate to another. But alas it Is a fantasy so there is a disconnect and personally I just laugh off an RP fight but I can definitelysee where there is an issue though


Lord of Altera
Some of the things I've done with Abhel'Jol are things that I'd never do in real life, which is probably the reason he almost died the other day. Parts of his personality are similar to mine, but mostly not. His violent side certainly isn't.


A lot of characters, as said, are reflections. People have full rights to get angry over things just as they may get sad over an RP. An angry state isn't as easy to control as it is a saddened state.


Mountain Bum
Retired Staff
A lot of characters, as said, are reflections. People have full rights to get angry over things just as they may get sad over an RP. An angry state isn't as easy to control as it is a saddened state.
This provides literally zero excuse to act cruelly or aggressively to any of our community members, mind.

We're roleplaying imaginary characters on a sandbox game, and I think a lot of people forget that when they get too sucked up in the virtual world we've created.

I think a lot of the problem is referring to your character as 'me', and their character as 'you'. I know I do this but I also tend not to get hugely sucked up in conflict, so it's not so much of a problem for me. It's also easier to do this to people you feel are simply playing as themselves but with a sword/bow and arrows, and when you see their character acting like a twerp, it leaks into your opinion of the player, too. Now this is all fine, really, but it's when people act on those RP-founded opinions that things get bad.

The only thing I can say to combat this is- Er, don't do that. It's literally as simple as don't be a douchebag. You don't treat everyone you dislike with malice and malcontent, do you? If you do, that's awful and we don't want you here.


I never said it was an excuse to do it. I've been in a state of rather upset anger in both real life and minecraft. Most of the time I disregard the rules I was going by.

I did not mean to come off that an angry state gives free reign to bully or dislike someone entirely because of their strict RP actions.

I agree with your point.

I'm sorry.


Mountain Bum
Retired Staff
I never said it was an excuse to do it. I've been in a state of rather upset anger in both real life and minecraft. Most of the time I disregard the rules I was going by.

I did not mean to come off that an angry state gives free reign to bully or dislike someone entirely because of their strict RP actions.

I agree with your point.

I'm sorry.
Wait- Only the first sentence of my post was a response to you, then I was speaking generally :p


Lord of Altera
I think a lot of the problem is referring to your character as 'me', and their character as 'you'.
I think a lot of the problem stems from people actively identifying as their characters, not with their characters.

like for example, I've noticed that when someone defends their character's actions or beliefs ooc, its more likely someone is going to hate them ooc for something done ic.

I was suggesting to Som that the majority of us try to avoid this by being referred to OOC by nicknames that aren't the exact same as our character's names (why do u think I dropped Sal using the name "Gabriella"?)
problem is, doesn't work out fine for some ppl, and it would be too drastic an action for something that could simply be solved by us remembering to keep a healthy distance from our characters


Lord of Altera
I always say "Arstan is a jerk, I'm not :)"

People put a lot of work in the server, which is great! The problem is that because its a video game after all, people often forget that there is another human on the other side of the screen. How often I played Skyrim and pickpocket a poor man, I kinda felt bad until I thought "Eh, its just some code, not a real human", so I think that most people are able to tell this to themselves, but sometimes it doesn't work the other way around, people need to start telling themselves "Eh, I should not do this, its NOT just code, its a human"
Its hard to forgot how much work you put into something and how easily someone takes it away, just cause.

I believe that another reason for it is the amount of devotion someone puts in his character. Some, always consider all of their character traits before doing something. So if someone has an evil character, it will only do evil things, and those who are on the same level of devotion will understand it. The problem starts when someone is not on the same level, someone who lets ooc reasons to affect his characters decisions, so for an example two ooc friends will rp together, and then suddenly one will kill the other because they were enemies IC, so one would say "Nice RP" and the other would say "What the hell? I thought we were friends!"
You are allowed, and actually required to ask ooc permission before making a violent act. Do so and no IC rage will bleed OOC