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{Ignis Synnove} Divine Spells


Events Staff
Very Sweet
[ Art Credit ]
Tier I { x }
Tier II { x }
Tier III { x }
Tier IV { x }
Tier V { x }

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- B L E S S E D -

Tier I - The Blessed are those who have been surely noticed by the Divine and granted a fragment of their power in return for their devotion. Through a short period of prayer prepared at the start of the day, these chosen few gain the ability to cast spells from both the universal spells and the first tier of spells from their chosen Divine. Three of the same spell can be used on the basis it still costs their daily allotment of spell points, but spells need no longer be chosen at the beginning of the day in advance.
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Divine: Ignis.
Tier: 1
Action: Vocal prayer.
Cost: 0 SP
Duration: Concentration.
Spell: The caster instills order in a ten block radius. Unattended objects minorly out of position are set right: chairs might be pushed in, tilted paintings might be set straight, etc. Cacophonous noises such as yelling or the din of battle sound softer to those within, providing some measure of calm and focus amidst chaotic situations.


Divine: Ignis.
Tier: 1
Action: Prayer.
Cost: 1 SP
Duration: Permanent.
Spell: The caster holds a hand over any surface wound up to two inches long, one wide/one deep, and seals it closed with holy flame that hurts as cauterizing would do. A burning hand print is left behind for one hour before it fades away, leaving behind a sealed golden-hued scar with optional ember-like flecks over the original wound.


Divine: Ignis.
Tier: 1
Action: Vocal prayer, heard by the target.
Cost: 1 SP
Duration: One day.
Spell: The caster curses the target, and deems them unworthy of the light or warmth of Ignis for the rest of the day. The target will struggle to keep warm, and their surroundings always look at most dim and gloomy regardless of how well lit they are. Any hot food or drink becomes cold the moment they try to consume it, and those who stay too close to the target will begin to feel the chill.
The effect can be resisted by rolling Soul+Determination against the caster's Soul+Determination. Magical means of seeing in the dark function as normal for the target.
Note: Those able to see in the night will not have an issue with their vision, and they are not so blind they cannot see what is near (particularly in regards to combat. This is not an instant blinding spell.)


Divine: Ignis.
Tier: 1
Action: Prayer and the offering of something gold, which burns away when the spell is cast.
Cost: 0 SP
Duration: Permanent until recast.
Spell: The caster imbues a candle, sconce, or lantern with an ember of their Divine. This light will never extinguish unless willed by the caster, though they may only have one flame at a time active. It glows a pure white with a golden hue.

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Events Staff
Very Sweet
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- S A C R E D -

Tier II - The Sacred are those who have continued to follow the path of their chosen Divine, and grasped a better understanding of just what they represent. In return for this show of dedication and willingness to encourage others to follow the same, they are granted more power. In most cases, an item is blessed by the chosen Divine to become an Artifact; more information on those those { here }.
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Divine: Ignis.
Tier: 2
Action: Prayer and touch of the target.
Cost: 1 SP
Duration: One hour.
Spell: The caster protects their target from the cold, even to the point that a blizzard does not manage to give them frostbite and only makes them uncomfortable. The target will find that their eyes and veins glow a faint golden hue for the duration of the spell, and they exude some warmth though not enough to entirely protect others from the same temperatures. This can only be active on up to two individuals at a time. The target will feel drained of energy and hungry after the spell ends, as if they’ve burned off more energy than they would’ve otherwise.


Divine: Ignis.
Tier: 2
Action: Prayer and touch for 30 minutes.
Cost: 1 SP
Duration: Permanent, until another location is made.
Spell: With a kneel and verbal prayer, over half an hour the Blessed wills an area of a 15 block radius to be illuminated by the hand of Ignis, a place in which the sun always shines even at night, with great marble pillars and arches. Any who enter the area feel themselves warmed through comfortably, and at ease from the darkness and suffering in the world. Those characters more in line with darkness or natures that work against Ignis feel actively shunned by this place, like the fires burn too hot and the sun is blinding. (A good example is the general Jishrimite, but it is not limited to these, you know the type). Flames are of a golden or white colour and are never extinguished unless the spell is recast. Lies cannot be uttered in this place, to do so burns the tongue, but silence can be held.
Note: You can build this yourself or ask another for help in doing so. This can be removed if placed in a place that conflicts or offends another divine, by a blessed member of said divine. (i.e placing a Jishrim variant in a Shalherana grove).


Divine: Ignis.
Tier: 2
Action: Prayer.
Cost: 1 SP
Duration: 5 minutes per point of Soul.
Spell: The caster wills a hand, even if covered with a gauntlet or fabric, to be aflame in a golden hue. This fire will not burn them, nor what they wear on the hand, but can be used to burn any other or to use as a way to ignite other materials. They may will the flame to hover idly about their head to help illuminate or return to their hand so long as it is within the duration. Whilst it moves about the head, their emotions and thoughts are hidden from those who would pry, any who attempt seeming to find only a sort of golden light or the sound of a roaring fire.


Divine: Ignis.
Tier: 2
Action: Prayer, touch of the target.
Cost: 1 SP
Duration: 15 minutes.
Spell: The caster protects themselves or another target from the burning of flame. The whole body becomes resistant, the eyes and veins glow golden in colour for the duration of the spell. Anything worn is additionally kept safe from the flames. The target will find that once the spell concludes they will have a lingering rash upon the body from the heat, and feel a somewhat unpleasant stinging sensation, as if they’re a bit too hot, though this will not last more than an hour.

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Events Staff
Very Sweet
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- P R O P H E T -

Tier III - The Prophet is an individual who is exceptionally well versed in the following of their Divine that they are often the teacher or guide for others to follow. In return for their ever growing devotion, the Divine trusts in them to be able to uphold their values and not be led astray and grants them not only increased power, but the blessing and approval of a shrine of area to hold their presence.
[ At T3, you may contact Divine Staff to look into imbuing some part of a region as Divine Ground. See { here } for more information.]
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Divine: Ignis.
Tier: 3
Action: Prayer, and the offering of a holy symbol of Ignis.
Cost: 2 SP
Duration: One hour.
Spell: The caster offers a symbol to Ignis with a prayer for one round, and in doing so, the symbol burns away as golden flakes that then move and scatter in a radius of ten blocks from where it was placed. As they move through the air and disperse, they form a shimmering pillar of golden light that will go through any building (not damaging it) and into the skies. Within, light shines as if they are under the midday sun regardless of the location, and any who are not invited within by the caster who seek entry are burnt as if it is scalding metal; the area may be escaped in one turn, but any unwelcome that are physically capable of leaving the area and do not must roll a Soul+Fortitude check against the caster's AoE DC each turn or be burned. Those within the pillar are kept at a comfortable warmth and chaos is repelled from them; any magical effect affecting their mental state is suspended while within the pillar, and they may attempt a single reroll with one step of advantage for any saving throws made to resist the effect.


Divine: Ignis.
Tier: 3
Action: Prayer, touching the target.
Cost: 2 SP
Duration: Up to one hour.
Spell: The caster designates a target to interrogate and calls upon a divine presence to arbitrate deception. For the duration the target is unable to lie, the words catching in their throat before they're uttered. Speaking in a way that is willfully misleading, by omission or creative interpretation of a question, causes the tongue and lips to burn and blister painfully; anything less than straightforward, complete responses that answer the spirit and intention of a question are considered deceptive by the supernatural arbiter.
This effect can be resisted by rolling Soul+Determination against the caster's Soul+Determination, ending the spell. The caster is aware if their target passes this check.


Divine: Ignis.
Tier: 3
Action: Prayer and the touch of the target, even through armour.
Cost: 2 SP
Duration: 30 minutes.
Spell: The caster deems their target unworthy of the light of Ignis, casting them into darkness for the duration. They are barely able to see, their eyes turning a full black as they seek to desperately take in any sort of illumination; they're unable to discern anything past a range of five blocks, but can make out the rough silhouettes and movements of things within that range. They cannot see fire nor the sun, and night vision quirks are lessened but not entirely useless. The target suffers a step of disadvantage on any vision-based Awareness checks. Once the spell ends, they will find they suffer from light sensitivity for the rest of the day, and have an unnatural, temporary fear of fire.
This effect can be resisted by rolling Soul+Determination against the caster's Soul+Determination, ending the spell.


Divine: Ignis.
Tier: 3
Action: Prayer.
Cost: 2 SP
Duration: 30 minutes.
Spell: The caster prays to Ignis for her protection, and in turn are imbued with protection from projectiles of physical or magical means. As a reaction when targeted by a projectile that the caster can see, the caster may focus in that direction to create a shimmering surface spanning five blocks in width and three in height before them that will turn any projectile into ashes as if rapidly being engulfed by flame. Projectiles of arcane sorts will disperse into a flurry of ash and embers. Once used to destroy a projectile, the spell has been used and must be cast again.

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Events Staff
Very Sweet
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- O R A C L E -

Tier IV - The Oracle is a unique and gifted individual who has taken faith and worship and made it a core aspect of their being, people who truly inspire worship and are often trusted to speak the words of their Divine. At this point, they are often given either a second blessed Artifact, or an improvement on their old one with the addition of a Trinket, see more information { here }. Any sermon/event conducted is sure to be seen and witnessed (and granted a sign of such) providing you arrange it ahead of time with Divine Staff.
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Divine: Ignis.
Tier: 4
Action: Prayer and Touch.
Cost: 3 SP
Duration: 30 minutes
Spell: The caster emits a vocal prayer over the course of one round, sending out a rippling wave of heat to singe and knock back those within ten blocks. The wave settles as a ring of golden flame, creating a circular boundary 10 blocks away that burns any foes who try to pass through it. This flame will not catch nor spread, nor does it create smoke.
Targets may roll Body+Might against the caster's AoE DC to resist being knocked back by the initial wave, and Body+Fortitude against the caster's AoE DC afterwards to pass through the flames unharmed.


Divine: Ignis.
Tier: 4
Action: Prayer and the offering of something of worth to the caster to be burnt in holy fire.
Cost: 3 SP per summon, including the ‘rebirth’.
Duration: Permanent.
Spell: The caster summons forth a phoenix of red and orange plumage that can be willed to follow them. In following them it may perch upon a shoulder or glide casually behind them, but it does little other than watch and speak 'Light Guide' when people leave the vicinity. Should the caster take a fatal injury, the Phoenix as well as the body of the caster erupt into holy fire, the ashes reforming in the closest Ignis shrine. The caster will awaken several hours later, breaking out from a shell of ash, a golden egg in their hands. The phoenix will be born again and be fully grown after one OOC month, this spell to revive only happening once it is fully grown.
The phoenix also sheds the occasional feather that can be used within one week as an easy fire-starter, dissolving onto wood in a burst of flame with the will of the caster.
Note: Whilst it does not need to eat, it can be fed things that effectively get incinerated upon it eating them if they're small enough.


Divine: Ignis.
Tier: 4
Action: Prayer and the touch of a hand to the ground for a moment.
Cost: 3 SP
Duration: 1 minute per point of Soul.
Spell: The caster throws up a wall of fire one metre thick, two metres in height, and up to ten metres across. This fire does not emit any smoke, nor does the flame spread or grow regardless of the fuel it could consume or the ground it is cast on. Those the caster considers allies will not feel the heat beyond a comforting warmth, and can move through it unharmed. Any undead that try to pass through it will turn into ash, and it is as intense as a bonfire for any others.
Those attempting to avoid the initial cast suffer at worst minor burns, which may be worse for them if they're particularly flammable. They may roll Body+Evasion against the caster's AoE DC to avoid the rising flames entirely. There is no roll for trying to pass through the flames; any doing so will incur damage according to the spell description.


Divine: Ignis.
Tier: 4
Action: Prayer, and the offering of a feather.
Cost: 3 SP
Duration: One hour.
Spell: The caster wills forth a pair of great wings of shimmering flame, and grants themselves the ability of flight. They may linger in the air or move up to the speed of a running human, as well as glide long distances for the duration. The wings are incorporeal and can't be harmed.

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Events Staff
Very Sweet
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- E X A L T E D -

Tier V - The Exalted is one person who had exceeded any and all expectations, and is expected to be the mortal representation of their Divine. Whilst this title can only be held by one person of the faith, they can be directly challenged for the position by any other T4 character of the same faith. You must create a conversation with Divine Staff if you try to challenge, and a Divine task will be set.

Upon the ascension to the position of Exalt, a sort of marking appears upon their temples or around their head. Akin to a crown, some individuals will have it make a circled around their heads, whilst others will see only the traces of it upon their temples. It can be as faint or as obvious as the player desires, and the specifics of the design are up to them, but must be thematic, such as antlers or silver vines for Theodra, golden flames or ornate designs for Ignis, or inky black spiderwebbing for Jishrim. These crown designs should be approved by Divine Staff and then added to your Divine Profile.

The Exalted also gain a custom aesthetic passive, to be agreed upon with Divine Staff.
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Current Exalted; Aleksei Ivanov blargtheawesome

Past Exalted; Podric Flanders Luam
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