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Im sorry about the greif

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hello everybody I am here to appeal for my greif that i have commited inside tarudal or something i cant even remaber its been to months now.
I realise my mistake and am greatly sorry but my friend is now telling me about how many things have changed.
I would love to play on the server again and am hoping to play again soon.
Thanks moderator team ;)


The first thing you did when you came on our server was grief. You come back to appeal because you heard cool things about our server. You appeal with bad grammar and mention you griefed in 'tarudal or something i cant even remaber'.

So, why should we let you back?
I just want to say that it was two months so I cannot remember many names.
I apologise for any greifing. However, I am now more experienced in minecraft and realise the gravity of what I did all I can do is apologise.
I very much hope that you can overlook my crime and whatever you do I thank you.


It is upto Tantara, the admin who banned you and whose town you griefed.


Loyal Servant of Altera
In my opinion, he was a very nice guy and a really good friend to me. I don't see him making a mistake like this again. My opinion is unban him. But it is up to Tanty. And it has been plenty of time. He was a benefit to this server.


Lord of Altera
[Just trying to help not trying to start a war on this thread]

Besides the grammar errors... I think he should get another chance on the fact that he didn't expect another chance at redeeming himself and to be good on the server.

I also think being banned for greifing (depending on what he did) is a chance to learn and he did say he was banned for a month I think he would have learned by then, but it is the admins choice not mine.


Loyal Servant of Altera
[Just trying to help not trying to start a war on this thread]

Besides the grammar errors... I think he should get another chance on the fact that he didn't expect another chance at redeeming himself and to be good on the server.

I also think being banned for greifing (depending on what he did) is a chance to learn and he did say he was banned for a month I think he would have learned by then, but it is the admins choice not mine.
Kinda what i said...


Resigned Admin
I'm willing to allow you back on so long as you understand that breaking any blocks that aren't yours is considered griefing. I'll be keeping an eye on you in the future.

I've unbanned you; see you in game :)
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