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I'm Sorry -- Snowbooks

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Loyal Servant of Altera
I was banned from Hollowworld on Sunday, February 5. I watched my friend on the server (liveastroman21) play Hollowworld and I really miss playing. I'm really sorry for griefing and I promise I'll never do it again. If you unban me, I'll pay for all the damage I caused. I really love Hollowworld and I'll do anything to get unbanned. I don't mind if you put me on probation or something. Hollowworld means a lot to me and I'd love to play it again.

Knight Xavier

Lord of Altera
Griefing in hollow world is a major problem and mostly its a permaban im guessing its up to an admin but it really depends on the damage you cost to altera


King ForumStalker
snowbooks Griefing all over Protaras fencible 2012-02-05 02:00:20 Permanent

Fencibles decision. I don't know how extensive the damage is but at least you know what it was you were banned for.


Legend of Altera
Griefing in hollow world is a major problem and mostly its a permaban im guessing its up to an admin but it really depends on the damage you cost to altera
Why grief? Whats the point?!?! :confused:
Neither of these posts contribute to the ban appeal in a constructive way. If you have information regarding the event or possibly a similar encounter with the banned player, post it. Otherwise, you should avoid unnecessarily posting in ban appeal threads.

3 instances of griefing that I was alerted to, along with a floating tree.

Could you explain why you destroyed someone's floor, parts of the bridge and a house please?


Loyal Servant of Altera
3 instances of griefing that I was alerted to, along with a floating tree.

Could you explain why you destroyed someone's floor, parts of the bridge and a house please?
1. Floor/Parts of the bridge--I don't know what I was thinking. I wasn't feeling well, and... I'm really sorry. I'll pay for the damages I caused, and I'll also pay however many Radiants the owners want me to pay them.
2. A house--I thought I only destroyed the windows. I am not the most experienced Minecraft player, and I was just swinging my sword/pickaxe around. Windows break immediately, so I must have hit the windows. Again, I'll pay for the damages, and extra Radiants if the owner(s) want them. I'll also give a full apology in both cases.
3. The floating tree--I'm sorry, it was an accident. I'll make sure it doesn't happen again.

I'll let you apologise to the people you need to, I am confident that this won't happen again.
Please don't prove me wrong.


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
Just going to add:
I found two cases other than what you found fencible of him breaking glass.
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