Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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In-Character Crime Reporting [Chevaliers]


This thread gives the necessary format for a formal letter to the chevaliers, reporting a crime that is appropriately relevant to the Chevalier's purpose. These letters must be filled out correctly, and must meet the requirements in-order for the Chevaliers to consider it. These requirements are:

The crime must have taken place in Port Silver.
Must be a crime that has not been dealt with by the Chevaliers before.
Must have at least one witness. (Some crimes may not be looked over unless more witnesses are present.)
Must have some sort of evidence. (This may not be necessary for some crimes.)


Once all of these are filled out, there must be a certain ammount of text written to better help the Chevaliers investigate these crimes. These letters are to be sent and deposited into the Chevalier's mailbox.

(The filled out reports are to be sent in a forum conversation to either me, @blargtheawesome , or @FrostGuardian . The report is to be written in an in-character perspective, as we will be reading it in-character. Here is the format.)

[Do note: The letter will be forwarded to all Chevaliers after it is reviewed. Do not worry about having a specific chevalier know through the conversation.]

Name: (Required. Being anonymous to anyone outside the chevaliers is possible.)

Specification of crime: (Theft/Murder/Vandalism/etc.)

Witnesses/Victims/Accused Persons:

Relative/Specific time and date:

Relative/Specific place:

Detailed description of what you saw and heard:

Other input:

- - -
Please do note, this is for if there is no current Chevalier online and in-character when you need to report a crime. It is still appropriate to grab the closest Chevalier and report to him or her directly.
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Not A Pirate
Retired Staff
(Could this also be used to "throw them off the sent.", or just plain screw with them? In the case of criminals sending in letters, that is.)


(Could this also be used to "throw them off the sent.", or just plain screw with them? In the case of criminals sending in letters, that is.)
Letters are reviwed and the such. It might be easily determinable to figure out a fake or real letter. If no Chevaliers know the person who sent the letter, witnesses, or possible criminals, it is not likely it will pass.


Only increases chance of corrupted reports.
It would only take longer. There is no in-game delivering. It's a PM. We presume the person drops it off directly at the mansion of the Chevaliers. It only goes faster that way instead of being processed through numerous other civilian letters through APS. It's not impossible, just highly redundant.


The Alchemist
Retired Staff
Only increases chance of corrupted reports.
It would only take longer. There is no in-game delivering. It's a PM. We presume the person drops it off directly at the mansion of the Chevaliers. It only goes faster that way instead of being processed through numerous other civilian letters through APS. It's not impossible, just highly redundant.
We don't even get letters anymore- and I would personally deliver such high ranking ones first! And they are all hand delivered by both me and Som. So there isn't really a reason not too.


We don't even get letters anymore- and I would personally deliver such high ranking ones first! And they are all hand delivered by both me and Som. So there isn't really a reason not too.
If the person is suddenly busy after they write up a crime report, they can do what they want to get it to the mansion. It would just be the story, no real roleplay, as it's a translated forum message. There really shouldn't be a long-standing agreement to use the "APS" to deliver such things. It is the players choice. I'm just so very confused on why they would do that. It's not a real roleplay delivery, as then you could just directly talk to the Chevaliers about it.


The Alchemist
Retired Staff
If the person is suddenly busy after they write up a crime report, they can do what they want to get it to the mansion. It would just be the story, no real roleplay, as it's a translated forum message. There really shouldn't be a long-standing agreement to use the "APS" to deliver such things. It is the players choice. I'm just so very confused on why they would do that. It's not a real roleplay delivery, as then you could just directly talk to the Chevaliers about it.
OKay @Somnastra we tried, back to the drawing board.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
*.. over-rules*

If someone wants to use the APS to send us letters, go ahead. If they want to send it over Forums-bits, they can do that too. :p

In regards to sending us stuff that isn't crime reports, go ahead! Send as many drunken text equivalents as ya want.


*.. over-rules*

If someone wants to use the APS to send us letters, go ahead. If they want to send it over Forums-bits, they can do that too. :p

In regards to sending us stuff that isn't crime reports, go ahead! Send as many drunken text equivalents as ya want.
they can do what they want to get it to the mansion. It would just be the story.
.. BLarg is getting what I was trying to say this whole time. faafaffaafa-


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
The Chevaliers are no longer permitted to perform trials or administer justice- Only arrests, and recording of crimes.
These abilities will be revoked for an undetermined period of time. The Silver Council will henceforth handle all instances of decision.

-The Silver Council