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[Invention] Snorkel helmet


The White Mage

The purpose of this would be to allow an individual to explore (very) shallow waters, eliminating the dual issues of visibility and need for oxygen.

The design is waterproof and is split into 4 separate sections - The helmet, the visor, the breathing-rod and the collar. The helmet simply encases the head, creating a barrier between the wearer and the water. The visor provides visibility underwater, particularly handy in bodies of salt water. The breathing-rod allows the wearer to remain submerged indefinitely. The collar, though not shown in the current exterior design, has an additional inside layer the fits tightly around the wearer's neck, cutting off water from entering the inside of the helmet.

While the material of the helmet and breathing-rod itself is still being debated with the Forge-master, it seems that a light, possibly flexible, metal is necessary for the majority of the design, while the collar could possibly be made out of boiled leather that has been treated to not absorb water. A small amount of glass would be needed in order to form the visor.

Having heard tell of underground secrets in Port Silver my character's interest was piqued. There were rumors of entrances barely submerged off the coast, leading him to brainstorm ideas for exploration, which lead to creating a basic design and approaching the sole smith he knew in the hopes the design could become a reality: the Forge-master.
I realise that this won't be hailed as the most useful invention around by most people, but it's something I probably need to go through the lore approval process in order to legitimately use in-game!

(Edit: If needed and/or approved, can supply more detailed designs - threw this out while rp'ing so it isn't detailed :S)
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Lord of Altera

Translation from Underwater-eese: This will likely help in my current situation.


Retired Staff
This... isn't exactly necessary. Tubes (e.g reeds, but you can make tubes out of whatever materials you like that are suitable for tubes) work just fine as snorkels, and have been used for ages and ages. Furthermore, people can and do see fine in salt water without eye protection.


The White Mage
I realise that this won't be hailed as the most useful invention around by most people
My character is a Nakat who is not the world's biggest fan of water.

I'm the first to admit that it isn't necessary as such, but do all additions to the lore have to be a positive addition to all? The main reason for making this post was because I was unsure of just including such an invention in RP, even ater having discussed details with a master smith.


Retired Staff
Mm, it's generally a bad idea to post a submission with the idea of exclusive, personal gain. I don't think you'd need lore approval for a snorkel though. @Michcat?


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Indeed, we generally look for more "globally" accessible/friendly submissions. I would go for a decline on this one, apologies!


The White Mage
Ah. In that case I'd just like one quick try to convince either/both of you otherwise and then i'll be out of your hair! :)

Basically, this here was one of the main reasons I decided to make this thread:
Clarification: Any items pertaining to magic, including lore diamond (Psychoactive crystal) enchanted/special items, etc, or any masterwork, extremely well made items, including those with complicated mechanisms or a high degree of workmanship, cannot be on your character due to backstory, or interaction with non-player characters, or just imagined in.

This is to:

A) Actually give those people who roleplay as crafters something to actually do, without people constantly just 'finding' or 'getting' special things.
I saw this ^ and realised it'd be somewhat unfair to just add it in on my skin or something, so I went the route of applying here and tracking down an expert smith IC to have a legit source for this thing.

I can understand the idea of not wanting people to use this section for personal gain, but a reasonable amount of inventing comes from solving problems you face, which can be quite personal and specific. I'd like to highlight that this is something quite mundane and is little more than a modified full-face helmet.

However, I can understand that you'd want to keep a blanket ban on items made for personal use and turn this down for that reason or any other then ok, fair enough, at the end of the day its your call and I'll respect that ^^


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Ah. In that case I'd just like one quick try to convince either/both of you otherwise and then i'll be out of your hair! :)

Basically, this here was one of the main reasons I decided to make this thread:

I saw this ^ and realised it'd be somewhat unfair to just add it in on my skin or something, so I went the route of applying here and tracking down an expert smith IC to have a legit source for this thing.

I can understand the idea of not wanting people to use this section for personal gain, but a reasonable amount of inventing comes from solving problems you face, which can be quite personal and specific. I'd like to highlight that this is something quite mundane and is little more than a modified full-face helmet.

However, I can understand that you'd want to keep a blanket ban on items made for personal use and turn this down for that reason or any other then ok, fair enough, at the end of the day its your call and I'll respect that ^^
... Oh :U
I thought this was for a worldthing, like something you'd mass-produce.

Go for it, if its being a one-time item.