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It's all my fault, SORRY NUG

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Jake Power

Hello my name is Jake and I wanted you to know that Nugget told the truth, however he didn’t mention the full truth, so here it is. When he got banned he came onto the forums as quickly as he could, because it was my fault that he got banned.

Me and Nugget are good friends and I come over to his house often, and we play minecraft. He was in the .minecraft folder and was getting some screenshots, and that was when I saw the two folders. One was called bin and the other xray. His mum told him to go and clean the bathroom so I thought I might play around on his computer, as he told me not to. I opened up the xray folder and saw that it was actually a bin folder. As I have xray I know how to use it and install it. So I renamed the xray folder to bin and deleted the bin folder, and by doing this I reinstalled the xray mod.

I quickly went back on minecraft and went into multiplayer and clicked on the first server I saw, yours. I turned on xray and had a look around and saw that there was diamond and gold really close together. So I went into a random mineshaft and mined to the diamond and gold, however not mining it up so that it could be a surprise for Nugget. And that was when an admin tpd to me and banned me, and then Nugget came back. He instantly went to the ban appeal section and made an appeal which was accepted, the declined, and the truth is that it wasn’t him that did it, it was me so if you want someone to ban, ban happy_feet2.


Loyal Servant of Altera
1st I would like to add that I have seen this excuse many many many times on my old server ..
2nd ... you said and I quote ''So I went into a random mineshaft to the diamond and gold however I did not mine them up'' When in the other ban appeal sally caught YOU mining them... try harder on excuses next time ...
And if this IS his little brother.. you would obviously know that x-ray isn''t allowed...
So all you surprised him with is a ban


King ForumStalker
This excuse has come up alot, but if we find out that it may be true the sentence MAY (very slight chance) be reduced, but I wouldnt hold too much hope on it, X-ray is a VERY serious offence.


<3 Hollow World
Sent by Halfmad via PM to "Jake"
Nugget - when did you last see him? Is he OK?

Are you with him now?
Response from "Jake"
I last saw him at 9:30 last night (Aus time) and when I woke up I made that forum. So no I am not with him at the moment.
Response from "Jake"
oh and are you talking about the crying part, well I'm not sure that he got any sleep at all last night.
Sent by Halfmad
I don't see why he's getting so upset he's only been a member for a short time, if he is genuinely that upset then I'm sorry he feels that way but this is only a game after all. There are literally thousands of other servers out there
Response from "Jake"
I know but he's a really sensitive person, that was the first ever server he's been banned from.
Oh and all of our friends play on this server as well so I guess that he feels kind of left of from all of us because he's the one that has been banned.
Sadly "Jake" your IP and that of Nugget match perfectly, you are in fact on the same computer because you are the same person. The ban will stand and in addition I'll also be banning the IP address and happy_feet2 whoever the hell that is. The mistake you made was claiming you made the post "this morning" and you hadn't seen nugget since last night. So unfortunately you've done so from either the same house (you are the same person) or you live in a communal building.

Beyond this however, it's his account so it's his responsibility. There is no getting around that.
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