Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

Jagster08 [Approved- IceandFire]


Lord of Altera
1) What is your MINECRAFT username?

2) How old are you?

3) Where are you?

4) Have you read our guides yet?

5) Introduce yourself!
I'm sure many of the now "veteran" players remember me or at least my work, it lives on in infamy I'm lead to believe. Well since the last time I applied it's been at least 2 years, so I'm no longer at college and I'm now on a full time university course. In terms of other games I play, the list goes on and on. I've played all sorts of games from roleplaying-action games like mass effect or dragon age, to grand strategy games like CK2 & EU4. I'm very much looking forward to getting back on the server, to deal with old friends and enemies alike.

6) Got any examples of your work?

7) Did you explore our world prior to your application?

8) Referrer: (Optional)

Character Info:
Name: Leorthor Ararodwen (The conquerer, High noble in Sindarin)
Nickname/Alias:Leo Lonmar
Age: 27 at the time he arrived in Altera
87 current time
Gender: Male (no matter how many attempts to convince me otherwise)
Race: High Elf
Height: 5'11
Weight: 9.5 stone
Hair: Dark Blonde/Light Brown, flipped to one side
Eyes: Blue
Skin: Peach with a golden hue
Identifying Marks: He takes great care to preserve his naturally occurring Elven looks meaning that he has no scars or tattoos as he would consider these to be impurities upon his body, but with the exception of two ear piercings. But curiously his eyes can sometimes change from a soft blue to a bright green, the reason for this is not know and is rarely noticed in most cases
Appearance: A slim looking young elf with Blondish Shoulder height hair left to one side. His ears awkwardly and clearly stick out from his hair showing his piercings with one on each ear, He has a rather feminine face as he has been mistaken many a time for a woman. And he is never seen without a dashingly amazing set of clothing. He has very little muscle mass as he prefers speed over brute strength, giving him a underfed slender frame.
Strengths: His Dashing good looks and fashion sense, His Legendary Cunning, and crafty agile sneaking Tactics. His personal army...
Weaknesses and fears: His Lack of any real combat skills, His own High levels of Arrogance Vanity, Low pain threshold, His fear of any scar or permanent damage to his face
Religion and cults: The Mirror/Himself (he refuses to acknowledge others as equals or higher so makes sense that he would consider himself the best)
Profession: Aristocrat

The test
For 18 days and 18 nights a group of fighters held the Bandit Fort of CobbleStone Fist Keep.
This is the story....

At the start of the first day, A small group of men lead by the great mercenary Royo were moving through the Southern Wilds, the group was stalking bandits lead by none other than DeadPress Himself.
However the bandits had this small group outnumbered, sensing the danger General Hrothgar sent a messenger raven to the north to receive reinforcements to help fight off the bandit horde.
The group fell back to the jungle where they reached a vantage point in the trees, and waited for any help that would be coming.
This raven reached the Hall of Stormhold and in turn the news was spread to the Members of House Lonmar and House Yearnen by Leo Lonmar, both houses swiftly assembled a band of troops to assist their friends in this time of danger.

By the beginning of the second day, the reinforcements had reached the central camp in the Southern Wilds.
The reinforcements made their way through the woods by the side of the bandit occupied road, however this did not go unnoticed as the bandits spotted some of the group in the trees.
Abandoning their fortress and the road , the bandits gave chase through the woods.... their greatest mistake....
As they did eliminate a few soldiers, they ultimately left the fortress open for capture.
The Main force descended from the trees and ran straight into CobbleStone Fist Keep, and by the time the bandits realised what was happening it was to late.
The original group of men and a large group of reinforcements who had moved up the abandoned road, now manned the walls of the Keep.

The waiting game had started, the bandits knew they couldn't take the fort back as the group now outnumbered them. But the group inside the fort knew that the bandits would win in open combat as the bandits had greater equipment.
Over the next 12 days, several small skirmishes occurred on the outskirts of the fort.
A fraction of the group moved outside of CobbleStone Fist Keep and briefly held the Wooden Overlook Fort.

Soon enough the start of Day 15 was dawning, the defenders of the keep were tired, running out of food and several troops had returned home believing the fort to be of no use.
The bandits however had grown in numbers and were ready to make their move.

The bandits struck hard, the surviving defenders fell back to the inside of the Keep.
Things looked grim and it looked as if the bandits were assured to win.
Believing this the Bandit Chief Deadpress left the battle, not thinking it was worth his time.
But Royo almost single-handedly held the entrance to the keep, killing all bandits who entered.
It was then the defenders made their move, charging from the inside of the keep, they ran into the courtyard killing all bandits in their path but not without taking heavy losses themselves.

It was then when all hope of victory was lost, a force lead by the Golden Crusade charged into the keep and turned the tide of battle.

Ultimately, the battle ended here with a loss for the bandits.
Much loot was shared amongst the defenders and a great shame fell upon the bandits who failed to retake their own keep.

Let this be an example to all that the free people of Altera can stand up to the Bandit hordes, even in the Southern Wilds.
The Re-birth of the Slayers
The Vigilant Order of Slayers was once a proud organisation made up of men from across many races and all walks of life, dedicated to defending the realm of Altera from the scourge of monstrous beings, using any means necessary and available.
However during the long dark battle against horrifying creatures, somehow the burning beacon of justice which was the Slayers was silently extinguished and the methods used to fight the monsters themselves took a darker path.
The Slayers were no longer seen as the staunch defenders of the realm, but as a force of hate and vengeance, striking and killing all who defied their will.
Many saw what had happened to the proud men and were dissatisfied, Many abandoned the Order believing it beyond saving and that they themselves could do better, but alas non did.
The Order was disbanded, and the surviving Slayers were haunted by their own failure to defend the people who had risen up against them and by dark deeds committed in the name of justice...

But not all was a loss, this group of men had shown that these monsters could be stood up to, that many can unite under a common good even Elf and Dwarf, And in the struggle their greatest enemy had been struck an unrecoverable blow- The Vyres had been practically wiped out.
And in the Slayers passing, a strange peace descended upon the land.
Alas but in times of peace, evil simply waits and tends to its wounds....

Monsters had started to resurface, foul foot soldiers of Queen Grief began to rise from the Hollows bringing with them new monsters and a new battle....
The Slayers would return and bring with them a passion to stop such monsters like never before.
But strangely, the battle was to take a new twist, not just content with defending the realm from monsters, the Vigilant Order of Slayers was to bring the fight to the recent religious fanatics and cults, whatever god they worshipped.

"There was an idea to bring together a group of remarkable people, so when we needed them, they could fight the battles that we never could... "
The only High Elf in Altera
The high elf sat relaxed upon a rock by the shore, just dipping his feet in the cool, clear, blue waters.
It was a calm, bright day as it always was in this part of the world, only the sounds of heavy boxes being moved disrupted the natural sound of the waves slowly breaking upon the sand.
"Ah, this is the life" The elf almost yawned as he stretched to reach for his drink, he was quite clearly in a world of his own not paying much attention to anything happening in the background.
As he took a single sip from the glass bottle, He was interrupted by the sudden crash of a large crate being dropped and the contents being scatted across the ground.
"What the devil are you two pustules, up to?" He angrily demanded as he spun backwards obviously annoyed.
"oh, erm sorry Leo. We kinda just dropped this one... it was quite heavy... I'm..." The man said, avoiding Leo's harsh gaze.
"What he means to say is that we're sorry for the intrusion, M'lord" The 2nd man, interrupting the 1st said confidently while slyly also nudging the 1st man in the ribs.
Leo continued to stare at the two Humans, saying nothing he turned back to face the ocean and while placing his head of his hand, He mumbled "Well just hurry up and clean it up".
"erm.. yes...M'lord"
"Yes once away, M'lord"
Leo Sighed. He knew his staff were doing the best they could, but it just wasn't good enough. He wanted to surround himself some decent interesting people.
Then it clicked, He perked up and snapped his fingers at this thought. "Of course, it's so simple!" He practically shouted.
"What is M'lord?" The 2nd man answered.
"Shut it, I wasn't talking to you" Leo snapped back.
"Then... who were you talking to?" The 1st man questioned.
"I was just generally saying it out loud, ok?" Leo now getting angry said while glaring at the both of them.
"But how were we supposed to know tha-" The 1st man tried to say before a quick jab to the ribs prevented him from finishing.
Leo put the palm of his hand on his face, fed up with the others, He stood up and walked along the beach. As he had thought of it before, it seemed so simple. All he had to do was to finish the construction of the Mansion, maybe not even that.
"Surely more of my kind will venture to this land once they know I reside here." He said to himself as he rubbed his chin.
"I suppose the problem is that they don't know that I'm here... I just need to give a sign."
"This mansion will be the pinnacle of my design skill and a shining beacon in all of Altera to the supremacy of the High Elves!" He shouted to the sky with determined look in his eyes.
"Then I won't be the only High elf, I won't have to put up with the stupidity of lower races, I won't be alone..."


The Alchemist
Retired Staff
Hello Jagster!

As everything here is looking wonderful, the staff would like to see a brand new original piece for the test done, instead of something done in the past. If you could please do so, that would be kindly appreciated, and I can certainly get you settled in-game!


Lord of Altera
I trust this will prove sufficient?
The Old King Rides
Time stops for no man it seems, how long had it been? Whatever the answer, it was too long.
The old houses fallen, the old cities had turned to dust upon the wind. It was time to return what had been lost to its rightful ruler...

The political landscape had shifted dramatically since he had left these lands... not to mention the actual terrain. It had been many years since the battle which put Jarl Draco Lonmar upon the throne of Altera, the battle in which Leo had proven his bravery by leading a charge upon the last of the enemy forces despite having taken numerous casualties. It was this charge which ultimately won the battle for the Lonmarian forces.
It was after this battle Leo left these lands, disillusioned with the king he had spent so long trying to put on the throne. Alas all this did not matter anymore, For Draco Lonmar was surely rotting in the ground by now, his bones gathering dust in some royal tomb.
Leorthor had been rewarded with only a royal pardon for his years of service and bravery, being left with nothing to show for the time he had devoted to the cause. Sure many who remember those times would call Leo a traitor, Bah! I defy them not to do the same in his position.
Before his self imposed exile he had betrayed the great house Lonmar by selling battle plans to the Head of House Hawklight in exchange for a lordship and a seat upon the ruling council of Altera.
Call him what they will, murderer, madman, traitor. It did not matter now, the beauty of an elven lifespan I suppose...

Before leaving with his personal retinue of guards, he left his large estate and titles to his eldest bastard son "Dagorien Ararodwen". Not the best solution but the most practical. To the best of Leo's knowledge his son was now missing, for now one has heard from him in an age. However in an interesting development he found something he did not expect, an elven man who claims to be of the Ararodwen bloodline. This "boy" looked little like his supposed Grandfather, with pale hair and skin and calling his self a "Silver Elf". Surely no true Ararodwen would debased themselves and refer to themselves as anything lower than a pure breed "High elf".
Leorthor had decided that this was the most pressing issue, he must secure the bloodline and his legacy. For he may still be biologically young due to his elven nature, this surely would not last and there must be a grand legacy which befits such a noble king.

But now, now was not such time for idle fretting, now was the time for action. He would ride into the land with what men loyal to his cause at his side and he would in one way or another restore the glory of the past and bring about a new golden age for all elvenkind. If he had been king of the elves once, he could surely do it again...


The Alchemist
Retired Staff

I'm pleased to announce your application has been approved. I hope you enjoy your stay in Altera. Before logging on make sure you read the Survival Guide. It will help you on your way to get established in our World. If you need to know any additional information, everything can be found in our Tome of Citizenship. Make sure you consult either of these two before asking a question ingame.

If you're stuck unable to interact with anything or chat, try using /warp whitelist, if this doesn't work then please message a staff member with the problem.

You are probably eager to jump into the game, so there is no need to read all the links. Just use these as a reference for later.(very useful, by the way.)
Altera survival guide
Tome of Citizenship
How to create your character profile
How to find a town
Server Rules
How to use titles
Rules for Roleplay
How to use the forum
The Players' Handbook
Lastly, please make sure you understand the following points. It's very important. As a new player, once you play you may be tempted to "test" out an x-ray mod... don't do it! We have a zero tolerance policy for it.

1) We have active members of staff monitoring players suspected of using X-RAY. We have extensive logging capabilities which also highlight to us when X-RAY is suspected. Anyone caught using X-RAY mods or Transparent Texture Packs will be permanently banned without appeal.
2) Anyone found to be griefing our server and subsequently blaming their sibling, friend, dog or any other person other than themselves will be banned irrespective of their innocence.


Lord of Altera
Hey I tried getting on the Roleplay server just now, apparently I'm not whitelisted yet?

Edit: It's no longer a problem. No fuss.
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