Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Jinx. Son of Raven.


Lord of Altera
Name: Zyrri “Jinx” Koerhuisje
Nickname/Alias: Jinx
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Race: Wood Elf
Height: 6ft 3inchs
Weight: 71 kilos
Hair: Black
Eyes: Blue
Skin: Pale
Identifying Marks: Scarred back and left leg. Also has a slightly burned looking right hand.
Appearance: Black clothes with purple shoulder pads, bracers, and hood lining. He also has grey cloth around his mouth.
Strengths: Good tracking skills, Agile and has the ability to set his hand on fire with our causing harm to himself.
Weaknesses and fears: Slightly mentally unstable when making life or death decisions.
Religion and cults: Prays to Shalherana and some times Jax for luck.
Profession: Bandit and Rouge.

Chapter 1: The Start
The flare of sunlight. Beamed down and burned the eyes of Raven. Raven Koerhuisje. A man of honour. He stands in a slight worry. The streets of Port Slilver makes him feel dizzy with the state of mind. He recived word from a scout. News that hit him like a brick. His new born child with being born. His sweet elf partner was in giving birth. To something that in his mind would be a strong soldier or brave general. At least he hoped. He rallyed his guard who never left his side. He ran to the ship he arived on and sailed back to Skara Brae. Hopefully it would not be long. He could hardly contain himself. This was the day his world and life would change. Forever.

After a pain stakingly long journey he finally arrived to the docks of Skara Brae. He leaped off the ship and ran as fast as he could wile his armor pinned him down. By this time it was night and it began to rain. The steps to this manor where steep and long but still he moved as fast as he could. He burst through the doors of his manor. A tall viking like man pointed up the stairs and bows. Raven ran faster. Hoping he did not miss this moment. As he reached
the top of the stairs a women looked at him. She had a deep sorrow in her eyes. Visions ran through his eyes. He knew what had happened. His baby was still born. He pushed open the door cracking the wood and damaging the hinges. With fear in his eyes. He looked at his partner. She had cloth over her face. She had passed on to the gods. As he fell to his knees and began to cry. As the tears fell ran down his cheek and smashed against the floor. Another woman tapped him on the back. She held out a cloth. Wrapped in this cloth was his new born son. Dispite this new borns father being Human and this mother being an Elf. From an early age the boy had no Human like quilitys. Raven was still in shock about his loss. Still he was happy he had a new born son to call his own.
"I shall call him.... I shall call him Zyrri"
He looked up
"Zyrri, Son of Raven, heir to Skara Brae"