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Active Joseph Seeker - Echelon V


Retired Staff
Joseph Seeker

In-Game Name

Character Profile

Joseph Seeker

Current Echelon
Echelon 5

Chosen School(s)
Volatile III, Stable I

Chosen Specializations

Spell Points


Former Mentors
Jaden Seeker [X]
Gael Dugald [X]
Nikolche Variclav [X]


Former Proteges
Damien Seeker [X]
Clement [X]
Karsten Norheim [X]
Fronslin Caldwell [X]
Sigmar [X]
Otto von Sturmhertz [X]
Wolfgang von Harrister [X]
Gael von Dugald [X]
Richard Varyn [X]
Kristoff Stenashield [X]


Vis Touched

In touch with all forms of Vis, Joseph is able to manipulate and toy with pre-existing energy in a purely harmless and flavorful way; such as willing little specks of light into the air, summoning small electrical sparks or smouldering embers at his fingertip, or creating a soft breeze through his hands. These manipulations are not always conscious, and often trail in Joseph’s wake.

Sustained Effects
See: Hand of Quartz

Current Status
Seeker leads a content and happy with life; adapting and forging his path anew after the ascension.

Custom Spells
Inert Potential | Volatile, Stable - Level 2
Succumb | Volatile, Stable - Leve 3

Sanctum Location

Arcane Artifacts

Name: Depths of the Void
Description: A gemstone of flickering shadows and eerie purple light. Within the facets of the gem, small speckles of white starlight can be seen in the gems facets.
Effect: When successfully absorbed into the Cruxstone, the Cruxstone itself begins to mirror the qualities of the gem. Spells cast with this stone in effect take on a dark purple/midnight blue colouration. Held weapons used as a Focus take on a night sky motif, with a swirling nebula of stars and deep purple hues visible along the emitter.
Holder: Joseph Seeker

Name: Hand of Quartz
Description: A hand but made entirely of quartz, able to move as any hand of flesh but with the appearance of pale quartz. It glows a soft crimson hue, illuminating a skeletal structure beneath the surface. During spellcasting, the crimson hue intensifies.
Effect: It cannot be tampered with by Formistry or any other form of transmutation, meaning it cannot be healed through Arcane means. Spells cast through it take on a crimson colouration, with excessive spellcasting giving the sensation of his lower arm burning within. Any injuries can heal over time at half the usual pace for mortal flesh, though divine spells can still fix injury.
Holder: (Hopefully forever) Joseph Seeker

Minecraft Name: JoJoJoeJoe

Minecraft name - JoJoJoeJoe

Character name - Joseph Seeker

Link to normal character profile - [X]

Overall Rank - Magus

Spell Points - 250
Apprentice DC - None
Journeyman DC - None
Adept DC - 2
Master DC - 5
Magus DC - 13

Active Student -

Teachers -

Jaden Seeker (Master) [X]
Gael von Dugald (Apprentice) [X]
These two were the main Mages that helped him flourish within his Arcane pursuits. Though he has since surpassed or have become their equal, therefore no longer within their tutelage, he appreciates them all the same for what they have done.

Nikolche Variclav (Magus) [X]
Though Joseph is no longer a Cogimens, and no longer Nikolche's Apprentice, he maintains much respect for this Magus.

Active Teacher -
Yes - Eviscism

Proteges -
Damien Ulamyar (Master) [X]
Fronslin Caldwell (Master) [X]
Kristoff Stenashield [X] (Apprentice)
Clement (Adept) [X]


Inactive Proteges -
Karsten Norheim (Adept) [X]
Sigmar (Journeyman) [X]
Otto von Gottfried (Apprentice) [X]
Wolfgang von Harrister (Adept) [X]
Gael von Dugald (Apprentice) [X]
Richard Varyn (Apprentice) [X]

Teacher(s) -
Jaden Seeker (Master/Magus) [X]

Known Spells

(Apprentice) -

Evisral | Sense Energy (2), Arcane Transmutation (8)
Electric | Shock (10)
Kinetic | Throw Pebble (3), Breeze (6)
Magnetic | Attract/Repel (9), Compass (6)
Penumbral | Grace (10), Dazzle (13)
Thermal | Candlelight (10), Temperature Control (30), Heat Warp (11)

[Total Successful Apprentice-Tiered Casts; 118]

(Journeyman) -

Evisral | Detect Energy (8), Ward Minor (7)
Electric |
Kinetic | Projection (22), Disruption (2)
Magnetic | Animate Metal (3), Lock/Unlock (5)
Penumbral | Heart's Light (5), Brume's Glume (4), Illuminate (9)
Thermal | Ember (5), Heat Minor (9), Ice Minor (5), Temperature Control - Shared (33)

[Total Successful Journeyman-Tiered Casts; 117]

(Adept) -

Evisral | See Energy (32), Deflect (9), Heartstone Ignition (8), Sparking (5)
Electric | Burst (4)
Kinetic | Kinetic Wall (10), Knockdown (15), Inertia (17), Kinetic Empowerment (11), Breath of the Land (4), Free Falling (12)
Magnetic | Rend Metal (2)
Penumbral | Invisibility Minor (19), Enduring Light (1), Kethron's Enduring Light (4)
Thermal | Erupt [Fire] (10) [Ice] (2), Flare (7), Glacial Shield (17), Dragonbane (4), Pull Flame (6), Ice Bridge (2), Mass Temperature Warm (1)

Multi-Energy -
Penumbral, Thermal | Sunburst (3)

Evisral, Thermal, Electric | Energy Bolt - Evisral (8) - Thermal [Fire] (4) [Ice] (4) - Electric (2)
All | Empower - Evisral (11) - Thermal [Fire] (6) [Ice] (0) - Magnetic (0) - Electric (5) - Penumbral (1) - Kinetic (21)

[Total Successful Adept-Tiered Casts; 265]

(Master) -

Evisral |

Electric |
Kinetic | Propel (7)
Magnetic |
Penumbral |

Thermal |

Multi-Energy -

Evisral, Kinetic | Major Arcane Bolt (6)
Kinetic, Thermal | Blizzard (3)

[Total Successful Master-Tiered Casts; 16]

(Magus) -

Evisral |

Electric |
Kinetic |
Magnetic |
Penumbral |

Thermal |

[Total Successful Magus-Tiered Casts; 0]


[Total Successful Casts; 556] (+54 included from Cogimency)
Knack - Evisral

Apprentice | Sense Energy's spell radius is enlarged by two meters.

Journeyman | Detect Energy's spell radius has been increased to fifteen meters, and greater visual clarity is granted to the Eviscist. On top of this, Joseph can sense any spellcasting belonging to Eviscism within ten meters.

Adept | See Energy is modified in the following ways; The amount of time to switch between viewing energies has shortened, and the mage can gather the information granted by the sight with more ease. Furthermore, Joseph can sense any spellcasting belonging to Eviscism within twenty meters.

Affinity -
+3 Evisral, +1
Kinetic, -3 Magnetic, -1 Penumbral

Sustained Effects -
Joseph is a Master Eviscist, attuned to the Evisral branch. He presently does not possess any detrimental effects beyond his right arm constantly suffering arcane burns that consistently will heal and then come back. The beneficial effect that Joseph possesses is purely his knack.

Current Magical Status -
To reap the benefits of all of his hard work.

Arcane Artifacts -

Void-Dipped Blade - Joseph's Longsword Focus. [Pending Change]
: Modifies Joe’s current focus; the blade appears as a night sky dotted with stars, with swirling nebula adding a dark purple hue to the otherwise dark blade. It appears to be depthless, as if the blade itself were a portal into the heavens. The heartstone is a deep purple gem; its edges and facets resemble a constellation in the right light.
Effect: Spells cast via the focus also take on the dark blue/purple aesthetic.
Item Holder: Joseph Seeker

Name: Quartz-Changed Hand - Joseph's Right Hand.
Description: One of Joseph's current foci is his quartz-right-hand. It moves and behaves as any normal hand should, save for it is made out of quartz. It glows a warm crimson hue, the same as his last heartstone, with the center of his palm having a more intense glow to it than not. On top of this, underneath the quartz, a dull crimson glow mimics the skeletal structure of Joseph's hand.
Effect: 1) It cannot be tampered with by Formistry or any other form of transmutation. Though this is the same for all foci. 2) Through his quartz hand, Joseph can channel his intent and will through any object that would make a suitable eviscism focus. The restrictions above still apply.
Adverse Effects: 1) Joseph cannot cast more than two spells through the gemstone hand without suffering arcane burns due to the gemstone exerting excess energy upon the flesh connected to the quartz. This is a painful process, but one Joseph had endured time and time again. 2) It cannot be tampered with by Formistry or any other form of transmutation, meaning that it cannot be repaired through arcane means. Though this is the same for every foci. 3) Joseph's arm, where the flesh is connected, constantly suffers from arcane afflictions. 4) Unlike a normal Eviscist, Joseph is only able to cast through his right hand.
Item Holder: Hopefully forever, Joseph Seeker

As it stands, I am not taking the IC rank of Magus. I do not agree with its existence and believe that it is broken and unfair. This being said, I am the OOC Magus of the school. Any and all questions about it can and should be redirected towards me if information is being sought after OOCly.
Last edited:


"Jedi Rocks" was a song performed by the Max Rebo Band. They once performed it for the Hutt crime lord Jabba Desilijic Tiure at his palace on the planet Tatooine.[2] The song's lyrics, which were improvised on the spot by singer Sy Snootles, were so saucy that they embarrassed the prudish Bib Fortuna, and would likely have been officially banned by the Galactic Empire. The protocol droid C-3PO, who was also present during the musical number, was bewildered by Snootles' blatant misuse of several verbs.[3] The song was interrupted when Jabba, in a fit of anger, fed the dancer Oola to his pet rancor Pateesa.[2]


A miserable little pile of secrets
why does the amount of syllables in this man's name grow every time i see it


Retired Staff
why does the amount of syllables in this man's name grow every time i see it
because pelcan Mouth perfec t size for put baby in to n\ap! inside very Soft and Comfort baby sleep soundly put baby in Pelican Mouth. Put Baby In Pelican Mouth. no problems ever in peliccan mouth because good Shape and Support for baby neck weak of big baby head. Apelican Mouth yes a place for a baby put baby in pelican mouth can trust pelican for giveing good love to baby. friend pelican


Lord of Altera
iskvandr Mouth perfec t size for put baby in to n\ap! inside very Soft and Comfort baby sleep soundly put baby in iskvandar Mouth. Put Baby In Iskvandar Mouth. no problems ever in Iskvandar mouth because good Shape and Support for baby neck weak of big baby head. Aiskvansar Mouth yes a place for a baby put baby in iskvandar mouth can trust iskvandar for giveing good love to baby. friend iskvandar


Lord of Altera
Retired Staff
why does the amount of syllables in this man's name grow every time i see it
Why are we still here? Just to suffer? Every night, I can feel my Kaiser Lord Hospitalier Knight-Sentinel Tolko'mact'tol Tol'fen'ko Count Eltsir I Hal'Shink'maho of Breakwater bel Natri'Evar de Courtnay-Amidst-Ash, The Alchemist, Grizzled Adventurer, The Pilot, The Angel of Death, The Fallen Angel of Crestfell... and my Kaiser Lord Hospitalier Knight-Sentinel Tolko'mact'tol Tol'fen'ko Count Eltsir I Hal'Shink'maho of Breakwater bel Natri'Evar de Courtnay-Amidst-Ash, The Alchemist, Grizzled Adventurer, The Pilot, The Angel of Death, The Fallen Angel of Crestfell... even my fingers. The Kaiser Lord Hospitalier Knight-Sentinel Tolko'mact'tol Tol'fen'ko Count Eltsir I Hal'Shink'maho of Breakwater bel Natri'Evar de Courtnay-Amidst-Ash, The Alchemist, Grizzled Adventurer, The Pilot, The Angel of Death, The Fallen Angel of Crestfell I've lost... the Kaiser Lord Hospitalier Knight-Sentinel Tolko'mact'tol Tol'fen'ko Count Eltsir I Hal'Shink'maho of Breakwater bel Natri'Evar de Courtnay-Amidst-Ash, The Alchemist, Grizzled Adventurer, The Pilot, The Angel of Death, The Fallen Angel of Crestfell I've lost... won't stop hurting... It's like they're all still there. You feel it, too, don't you? I'm gonna make them give back our Kaiser Lord Hospitalier Knight-Sentinel Tolko'mact'tol Tol'fen'ko Count Eltsir I Hal'Shink'maho of Breakwater bel Natri'Evar de Courtnay-Amidst-Ash, The Alchemist, Grizzled Adventurer, The Pilot, The Angel of Death, The Fallen Angel of Crestfell.


A miserable little pile of secrets
because pelcan Mouth perfec t size for put baby in to n\ap! inside very Soft and Comfort baby sleep soundly put baby in Pelican Mouth. Put Baby In Pelican Mouth. no problems ever in peliccan mouth because good Shape and Support for baby neck weak of big baby head. Apelican Mouth yes a place for a baby put baby in pelican mouth can trust pelican for giveing good love to baby. friend pelican
iskvandr Mouth perfec t size for put baby in to n\ap! inside very Soft and Comfort baby sleep soundly put baby in iskvandar Mouth. Put Baby In Iskvandar Mouth. no problems ever in Iskvandar mouth because good Shape and Support for baby neck weak of big baby head. Aiskvansar Mouth yes a place for a baby put baby in iskvandar mouth can trust iskvandar for giveing good love to baby. friend iskvandar
Why are we still here? Just to suffer? Every night, I can feel my Kaiser Lord Hospitalier Knight-Sentinel Tolko'mact'tol Tol'fen'ko Count Eltsir I Hal'Shink'maho of Breakwater bel Natri'Evar de Courtnay-Amidst-Ash, The Alchemist, Grizzled Adventurer, The Pilot, The Angel of Death, The Fallen Angel of Crestfell... and my Kaiser Lord Hospitalier Knight-Sentinel Tolko'mact'tol Tol'fen'ko Count Eltsir I Hal'Shink'maho of Breakwater bel Natri'Evar de Courtnay-Amidst-Ash, The Alchemist, Grizzled Adventurer, The Pilot, The Angel of Death, The Fallen Angel of Crestfell... even my fingers. The Kaiser Lord Hospitalier Knight-Sentinel Tolko'mact'tol Tol'fen'ko Count Eltsir I Hal'Shink'maho of Breakwater bel Natri'Evar de Courtnay-Amidst-Ash, The Alchemist, Grizzled Adventurer, The Pilot, The Angel of Death, The Fallen Angel of Crestfell I've lost... the Kaiser Lord Hospitalier Knight-Sentinel Tolko'mact'tol Tol'fen'ko Count Eltsir I Hal'Shink'maho of Breakwater bel Natri'Evar de Courtnay-Amidst-Ash, The Alchemist, Grizzled Adventurer, The Pilot, The Angel of Death, The Fallen Angel of Crestfell I've lost... won't stop hurting... It's like they're all still there. You feel it, too, don't you? I'm gonna make them give back our Kaiser Lord Hospitalier Knight-Sentinel Tolko'mact'tol Tol'fen'ko Count Eltsir I Hal'Shink'maho of Breakwater bel Natri'Evar de Courtnay-Amidst-Ash, The Alchemist, Grizzled Adventurer, The Pilot, The Angel of Death, The Fallen Angel of Crestfell.
my thanks for the diseases. joe is a cursed character.