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Chronicle of Circe Wise


Daedric Prince
Godsend, 9th of Sporebloom, 2309
Entry I
Perhaps it is in due time that I begin putting this gift to use. Soon I depart from the comforts of my family's Sanardú manor, and ride forth to Candlewood, and I shall be documenting my travels and experiences. Remaining here would be of little use to my studies, I find that the days have grown dull being stationary. It may dismay mother and father - but I am certainly old enough to begin seeing the world on my own and expanding my horizons. They are both on a trade expedition in the furthest reaches of the South, I just may have enough time to experience a morsel of freedom without them even knowing... without facing repercussions. I do not want to stay and study politics. I want to study and map the stars, I want to find insights in the world around me and harness it through alchemy, I want to learn how to mend & heal, I want to unravel the mysteries of the arcane, I want to fall into historical rabbit holes through pages of old tomes, I want to learn anything but politics and business! That can always come later, and besides - my brother seems to be far more intrigued by the subjects than I.
I am very much looking forward to taking my leave, though I must remember everything in order for it to be a fruitful journey. When I make my brief stops through Mockingbay and Storm's Landing, I shall likely purchase more supplies to ready my time spent in Candlewood. I do hope the place has spare rooms or an inn, for I'd hate to leave all my things in the saddlebags, I'm certain they must.
Packing list: Books [✔] Spare paper & inkwells, quill, charcoal pieces [✔] Needle & Thread [✔] Lavender Soap [✔] Lantern & Oil [✔] Dried rations [✔] Outfits & clothing [✔] Hairbrush, hand mirror [✔] Knife [✔] Flask [✔] Radiants [✔] Grandmother's Staff (???) [✔]
Supplies list, to purchase: Mortar & Pestle [✔] Cauldron [✔] Alembic [✔] Horse Feed [✔]
{ There is a splotch of candlewax upon the page, smeared as if it was attempted to be removed. }


Blessday, 10th of Sporebloom, 2309
Entry II
Coming to Candlewood was the greatest decision I've ever made for myself, it may even be worth it if mother & father find out about my excursion. Everything I need in order to learn what I desire is at my fingertips, and the place is aglow with magic and knowledge to be gleaned. The journey to Candlewood was rather uneventful, I had almost stopped to see the commotion in the courthouse within Storm's Landing - though the day was moving by rather quickly and I needed plenty of daylight for the remainder of my trip. I am currently staying in the inn, and I met the overseer of Candlewood - Athryl Mithtanil. He introduced me to some of the history of Silas, as well as shed some insight on the Figment 'Know.' With his magic, he unveiled what the realm of Silas' domain once looked like, an endless labyrinth of tomes and paper unfurled before my eyes.. I was struck with such wonderment. With the help of these runes Athryl showed me, I will be able to provide aide to Know in what ways I can, and perhaps gain knowledge in return.
Soon I will be moving my things into a dormitory, giving me a more permanent residence in this place. I plan on purchasing some furnishings in Eldpoint in order to make my space feel a little more like home. It has only been my first day, and while I am delighted by my adventures and more to come - I feel a slight pang of homesickness already.

Thronesday, 12th of Sporebloom, 2309
Entry III
I was taken by Athryl to journey with another to a location I will not disclose here, for fear my journal may somehow be opened and read by another. It was a long trip, a bit longer than the one from home to Candlewood.
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