Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Kehza's Journal


Lord of Altera
- Day 1 -
They say the end is near... that Anubis will soon be no more. The dragon has been unleashed, from this day forth i shall write in a journal so someone knows what happened.

- Day 5 -
The dragon has wrecked havoc upon the lands, many have died and fled. The citizens of Anubis are fleeing to new lands where they can live in peace.

- Day 7 -

There is no nope, i too must flee to new lands for the SpellBlades have failed.There is nothing more we can do.

- Day 10 -
I have been searching for land for many days now... but there is nothing but the endless sea, what if thats all there is?

- Day 11 -
My patience is growing short, and so are my rations. I don't know how much longer i can hold out.

- Day 13 -
SUCCESS! I have finally found land, although I do not know what's ahead it can't be worse than that damned sea..

I have come across a village known as Brustenburg, the locals tell me that these lands are known as Altera, and that the Silver Crown protects it. I have found more than what i was hoping for, the gods have truly praised me.

- Day 14 -
Today i journeyed to Port Silver to pick up some supplies, and i came across a familar face.. I never expected to find anyone from the lands of Anubis here, my luck is ever growing.

Vonde tells me that he left shortly after the dragon attack. He went on to tell me that he's living in a town called Heavens Reach, i will have to visit him sometime.

- Day 15 -
Today i went to Heavens Reach to visit Vonde, the people there are very kind and the mayor even offered me a place in their town, how could I refuse?

Building a house is going to take me a lot of time.. thankfully Vonde has asked me to stay at his until my home is complete. Living in his basement with a warm fire and bed surely beats the hard cold floors at Brustenburg.

- Day 16 -
The people of Altera are very odd.. they will not allow me harvest materials for my home in their nothern kingdoms, they wish to preserve nature.. I have never heard of such blasphemy.

It appears we have to head to the South, into the wilds to harvest goods. I had best get prepared as these lands can be dangerous.

- Day 17 -

Today I am travelling to Port Silver, to catch a ship to the Southern Wilds. These lands are not known to me, and i fear that this will be my last entry.

- Day 19 -
The ship has docked in a strange place.. the captain says that i must walk through the gate to reach my destination.


It would seem the Silver Crown allow magic in these lands, how could they obide to such dark acts? Netherless i must continue to find the materaisl for my home.

The trees here are much bigger than that of Anubis, they almost touch the sky as if they are reaching for the gods, I best be careful.

(Just a starter for the journal, i'll add more into it, and more into each day when i have time, it's too late atm. Im basing it on real events minecraft, but throwing some RP aspect into it. Currently it's a little bland and boring, i'll spice it up on next entry, as i've got a lot more days to add to get to the current minecraft day now)