Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Kid Wanted!


The Kingdom Crusher
Lo and behold doges, Dav'man and Victoria are married and having a kid. What comes with that beyond the title of husband and wife and the fancy marriage-thing is usually kiddos. Kiddos are crap as NPCs though, so we're making that thread that people always make for kiddos. Yey!

This can be a hard decision, so I'll narrow down the mental conversation that I'm fairly certain people're having.

Want to be these guys kids?


Do you even know who these guys are?


What if we throw in something spicy like a used lottery ticket fashioned into a paper airplane?


Well what do you want?

*Is a recorded message of 'no' with a gone fishing sign attached to it*

Well fantastic, I got had. Might as well throw the video clip at Harry Hill's glasses and snatch that £200, mother. On a more serious note though; me and are looking for a child in RP. Want to play a child? Fantastic. Want it to be our child? Just say! The child'd probably be guaranteed a good amount of character development, with the father being a professor who started an ideological movement, cured blindness and studies martial arts and a mother who'd probably win in a fight against him and can sing well.

What else is there to mention- Eh. Well, we'd probably supply a skin. Name the child. Other general stuff like that. Great if you were active, though no stress- Plus, ya know. It's an Engem kid. Would probably act like an Engem :p

Just say if you're interested, it'd be fantastic to see responses :p
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The Kingdom Crusher
Weeeell. They're having twins in RP. I'll talk fo about it, but yhs, it's still sort of open :p
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