Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Kingdom of Haven


Lord of Altera
The Kingdom of Haven
Jacques-Louis_David,_The_Coronation_of_Napoleon_edit (1).jpg
Crowning of Empereur Napoléon 1er de France, 1807

Purple Court, Knight's Haven

Following the disarray that was the first attempt of the Lavoyarde Dynastie to reclaim the long lost Duché of Azerwind, from Marr, and the sudden disappearance of the highest religious authority in the nation, Archmagister Lord Dormus of the Church of the Sun, the noble (frenchmen) families of Du Lavoyard, Beaumont and De Hilde have agreed to reunite in the Purple Court and push forward the formation of the Kingdom of Haven under King Thorius I of the Lavoyarde family, betrothed to consort-Queen Valerie de Beaumont. La Garde Royale's officiers and généraux have already recognized the royalties as acknowledged by the Purple Court. The new King, however, can only truly be crowned by the head of the Church, and as of the current situation, holds an un legitimated office over the nation. As such, the Order cannot bow to the Royale authorité, creating disagreements in the nation. Even so, the Royal couple cannot yet be married in the fealthy of the Sun God without his first Champion in Altera.

This situation, even with the large acknowledgement of the crown, sets the (frenchmen's) Nation into a period of uncertainty and internal struggles for the period of time that would take to find and have Lord Saint Dormus crown the royalty before God.

@Ruukasu Lawliet



Lord of Altera
In-Game Tech Staff
He/Him, They/Them
You know you need to come up with a word for frenchmen and french if you talk in common cuz common isnt called english here isnt it?


Lord of Altera
You know you need to come up with a word for frenchmen and french if you talk in common cuz common isnt called english here isnt it?
French = Lavoyarde

Frenchman = Lavoyard

I was merely using the first words to clarify my RP explanations.


Lord of Altera
In-Game Tech Staff
He/Him, They/Them
French = Lavoyarde

Frenchman = Lavoyard

I was merely using the first words to clarify my RP explanations.
ah okay :) I thought it would be usefull, sorry for my dumbness *Hodor arm flailing*


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
yeah, will steer clear of *cough*Skyrim*cough* Avanor ;)

Damn diddly straight you will.

But jokes aside, I'll OOCly collab on any mad scheme you might wish to pull as long as it's ICly justifiable - and by that I mean "makes reasonable sense to happen in-character" as opposed to "is a well-reasoned or morally justiafible thing for a character/group to do".

The latter are entirely optional. ;)


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
That statement open for other interested parties as well? Heh.

I would only be a mite disappointed if I thought I was having to react to RP actions targeted at my IC projects based on the knowledge of my OOC willingness to collaborate/cooperate/what-have-you. My statement should be a given for (and more importantly from) every player or faction wishing to RP realistically in terms of viable action and consequence within the Altera setting.

Having caught your highly commendable wall-post, I know you already understand this, but I feel it is coming to be better understood on the server as whole. I certainly hope so. It gives me great satisfaction to see.

For example, the recent RP between individuals affiliated with Lavoyard/Marr was very successful. Why? Because people accepted IC consequences. The result was far more satisfying RP for those involved. Some characters achieved things, climbed higher, or were given opportunities, others fell lower and had to struggle with the ramifications, were put under pressure, were given a cause. RPing a character when everything is cosy and safe is fun for a while, but when have the best stories ever been consistently cosy and safe?


Blimey, look at me, derailing the thread already and it's not even lunchtime. Sorry Val, I'll leave it there!

I will say, though, that I am mightily looking forward to the RP that comes out of this new nation.

(Val, hey, Val... Mightily, geddit? It's funny... Because mightily, might, Church of Might? Heeheehee, seeeeeee?)
(...I need help.)


Lord of Altera
(Val, hey, Val... Mightily, geddit? It's funny... Because mightily, might, Church of Might? Heeheehee, seeeeeee?)
(...I need help.)
Of all the jokes or puns you couldve made about me, my stuff, french or our older relations, THIS is what you found to say?



Lord of Altera
so they're a nation that's basically a cult worshiping a golden man that appears when he wants, and is unquestionably good no matter how many people he burns to a crisp...
where have i heard that before...
its familiar but i can't quite put my finger on it..
oh yes, i knew i saw that somewhere
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