Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Kyro's Pregnant


Lord of Altera
Well, the title isn't quite true, but what is true, is that Kyro and "That Woman" is having a baby. This will tell you what comes with playing as the child and what to apply with!


Goldtalon101 and "That Woman" are looking for someone who will be able to RP as their baby boy, the person doesn't have to be the best Role Player but has to be a good Role Player (That is based on how much of a jerk, nice guy etc you are as that kid in RP).


The boy will be Kyro's heir and first born child, meaning his legacy, wealth and resources (That are available) will be passed down onto the child, once Kyro is dead. Kyro will tell the child to take over his work in RP, but it is up to the child if he does so. The child will also be "That Woman's" second son and will be loved and cared for by her (Kyro will use him as free labor >:D).


To apply for the character of being the son, simply reply to this thread with the following:

1) Name of the child
2) Your previous RP character/s
3) Will it be an alt or full time account used to play the child
4) How you intend to RP as the child (This is not an edged in stone way of playing, I would just like to see your ideas)
5) Do you have enough swag to be Kyro's kid


Due to my timezone and such their are certain things that must be reached to play the character.

These are:

1) You play on the server often and RP on the server often
2) You are able to RP during the servers "Peak Time" (When most players are on)
3) You will play as the child when needed or when Kyro or "That Woman" is online (If your able to)
4) You realize that kids are kids, so they don't say: "pwitty pwease" and such. As not many kids tend to say that! (But if you feel it is better for RP to do so, then by all means, do so)
5) You are able and ready to accept the responsibilities of playing as the child of Kyro (As he may or may not have many or few enemies)
6) You will be living in RP and OOC (If you wish) in the noble house Kyro and "That Woman" owns in Riddleport. This means joining the house if you choose to live their OOC.

Good luck in applying for the child, it may seem like much, but I guarantee there will be role plays a plenty (good or bad). If you are chosen to be the child, you will find out who "That Woman" is. (If not already known, please don't share if you already know! xD)


Lord of Altera
Congrats here's a cigar and The holds torture teaching set courtesy of pirates inc for if it isnt gold it ain't sold oh and a cook book forsilent to learn to cook and be a great mum


Lord of Altera
1) Name of the child: Gunjar?
2) Your previous RP character/s: Astrid, Rowan, Cameron, Gunnarr, Ingvar Jnr., Ingvar Snr., A greyling with no name, Asuin, and others I think
3) Will it be an alt or full time account used to play the child: Alt that I should be able to get at least sometime this week I even out my time between accounts
4) How you intend to RP as the child (This is not an edged in stone way of playing, I would just like to see your ideas): Probably how I did Rowan
5) Do you have enough swag to be Kyro's kid: Yes


Triangles are my favourite shape
Retired Staff


Do you have enough swag to be Kyro's kid? I have too much, so I am another persons kid. One who has more swag than Kyro




The Talking Pizza
Retired Staff
1) Baby Albiorix
2) Albiorix
3) Hehehehe~
4) Baby Albiorix enjoys meeting new children.... and dragging them off into his underground 'play area', where he teaches them fun games like "How loud can you scream" and "Tic Tac off with the toe" (Toe is such weird word...)
5) ~Swag Pro~


Lord of Altera
1) Name of the child: Gunjar?
2) Your previous RP character/s: Astrid, Rowan, Cameron, Gunnarr, Ingvar Jnr., Ingvar Snr., A greyling with no name, Asuin, and others I think
3) Will it be an alt or full time account used to play the child: Alt that I should be able to get at least sometime this week I even out my time between accounts
4) How you intend to RP as the child (This is not an edged in stone way of playing, I would just like to see your ideas): Probably how I did Rowan
5) Do you have enough swag to be Kyro's kid: Yes
Wench! Stop applying for characters. You have enough!


Lord of Altera
Anybody else wanna apply? Think of the possibilities and the options and the........ummm....thingys!