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Active Lana Wake - Glowing Rose

I am Wake

The Rose
Retired Staff
Ayo updoot Miya. She gave you 2 fossils.
no, she traded two fossils for ten crafts I must make in daily crafts using 10 birdwood and 10 day cooldowns :heart:

...and presented the deal like a gift. Which was.. weird and worrying to Lana! :p
She is in Liked anyway! No need to update~


Legend of Altera
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
no, she traded two fossils for ten crafts I must make in daily crafts using 10 birdwood and 10 day cooldowns
She actually had traded then for 2 crafts- which she asked to be custom made but- welp, she's selling a bunch now

I am Wake

The Rose
Retired Staff
She actually had traded then for 2 crafts- which she asked to be custom made but- welp, she's selling a bunch now
that ain't how the Alteran figures work =/
nor much of a negotation, so... description very apt =)

I am Wake

The Rose
Retired Staff
Another Heretical Update

• Lana's Status updated: her research into the Precursors near concluded!

• Theme Changed

I really like Solas from Dragon Age Inquisition and the upcoming 'Dread Wolf' game. Without spoilers, I see aspects of Lana inspired heavily by him.

• Added section for 'Previous Occupations'

• Lana can now speak and write Old Arcturian decently

Added links to an imgur gallery showcasing all Lana's items (non-consumables) that she owns and often carries!

• Slowly changing Hollowstats, removing crafting and guile to put those points into other things. Its slow, not finished yet

• Relations Updated!

Ruvan Kegheart moved from to 'Strongly Felt' TagTeamChampion
Moved Keone and Amelia Rose to 'Favored' Arget Istalri Map
Moved Leonhardt, Elder Ashna, Raenyr, Andrew, Dara and Kaar to 'Liked' Crusader_Of_Man Solus Astalgon Mr.Slime RagingLunacy Retro
Moved Bryne Valheart to 'Acquintances' Adam/Byrne
Moved Vidar to 'Strangers' blargtheawesome
Moved Karn, Melarue and Reinhard to 'Disliked' Catanomical Elz LuxTop

Added Aster, Iseabail O'Brolchain, Adda, Godmund, Aleksandr, Jacob, Azgir, Solomon, Ahkitomei and Aleksei.

Various descriptions have been updated. Use CTRL+F to find your character! :D

I am Wake

The Rose
Retired Staff
The Ivory War Update

This update is solely focused on the idea that Lana is beginning to become something of a tragic character, having seen too much, knowing too much. She desires solely to help, which has lead her to adopt too many conflicting viewpoints. The Ivory War and the Fall of Candlewood has left Lana mourning and hurting.

Traumatized from many storylines, she feels far older than she is. After all, timey whimey, four generations have come in the last (nearly) three OOC years Lana has been constantly played. Whilst Lana is a character aged by one OOC day at a time, the world around her-- and the events that take place-- do not.

She has lost much. She has been hurt and has hurt others. Regrets and sorrow haunt her.

She has been broken, rebuilt, and broken again.
The humilitations, the battlegrounds of Blight, Corruption, Jishrim's insanity and the undead fresh on her mind.

Yet she endures. Others have given up in her place, men more powerful and influential than her lost their patience with reality. Yet when Lana looks around her at everyone, the youth and the ambitious, the ancient and their dedications, the Blessed, the heretical, the blooming and the rotting-- she finds comfort that she is still here, she has a family, a son and she is still here.

She can still help. She can still make a difference. Like her father before her, she can defeat the demon threat through wisdom.

Lana no longer worships Lady Arcane. Link removed.

Lana is now Lawful Neutral

Theme and status changed

Slight edits to values, behaviour and personality

Religious inclination changed

Stats finished

Added 'titles' to differ them from occupations, as Lana distances herself from Aor

Relations Updated

sadly, I have grown tired of listing what changes have been made from this stupidly excessively long list of characters from the last two years and I always feel terrible tagging people. I have updated the list and moved people around to the best of my ability! Please let me know if I have forgotten someone!

I am Wake

The Rose
Retired Staff
Its Been a While Update

I personally do not use Dark Mode, but most of the server on this forum does.
I have been considering painstakingly altering the colours over the profile to be easier to see in dark mode. If you think that is a good idea and want to see that, please 'agree' with this post :)

Changed theme because the video got deleted :(

Lana prefers being called 'Lana Wake' now as oppose to her married name

Evenfall Academy added-- Lana's new home and occupation.

Goals edited

Hollowstats updated

Relations updated!

Keone is now Great Friends! Arget Istalri
Added Nilsa, Fania, Laisa, Suhkoiza, Eibisch, Isabelle, Jerr'co, Zelphar and Naneki.
Added a lot of inactive characters at 'disappeared' as oppose to 'dead.'

I did not spend particularly long updating as I usually do with this one, so if you want a relation, please prod me here.

I am Wake

The Rose
Retired Staff
we never even met and i still got a relation :eek:
There are quite a few relations Lana has not personally met in this list, some she has never met at all.

Its a scholarly thing. You never meet the people you read about (or hear about). Yet you like (or dislike) them all the same~

I am Wake

The Rose
Retired Staff
I have not updated the profile in four months update

Thats a lie. Sometime during late December, I did a major overhaul of the profile colours to be dark and white mode friendly.
However, I might've changed things and forgot. Sorry :(

• Added link to Lana's Alchemy thread.

• Updated Lana's general beliefs.

• Lana is a Lady now!
• Seperated 'previous occupations, titles and occupations.'
• Added Magic Knack
• All goals reached, so updated to new ones.
• Stats all up to date.

• Updated weaponry. Lana is now 'Passive' instead of Peaceful.
• Added new main weapon, artwork by
Elz and item by TagTeamChampion!

Updated Relations!

Cael moved to 'Strongly Felt' Sankera

Freia and Valerie moved from 'Liked' to 'Favored' Goldbeean JennyBean

Kublai, Zelphar, Melarue moved to 'Liked' Bartooliinii Reedie Elz

Reinhard and Aleksei moved to 'Complicated' section... which I joined with acquiantances just for you two LuxTop blargtheawesome

Added Bliss, Amicia, Skala, Elthea, Maya, Alexandra, Artesia, Eirleys, Veldric, Bernard, Velmont
RagingLunacy Kaoiyr Chiarophinx Book Anordil nexscarecrow Arget Istalri Jase hayhaiya mageaegis Galaxy

Let me know if I have forgotten to add you!

I am Wake

The Rose
Retired Staff

This profile hasn't been updated in nine months:

so yes I redid everything
Everywhere has been edited
And new art with more art on its way! ^_^