Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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lauer2468 unban appeal


I am Lauer2468 and i am here to be unbanned :) i was banned a while ago, i think a couple months now, and i tried looking for a new server. I found couple servers, pretty good, but this server is by far the best i have been on. I watch my friend play this server all the time and i notice how much fun he has, and i want to share in that fun. i was banned for griefing, and it was a while ago when i first got minecraft and i didn't understand servers or really even how the game worked and what briefing was :3 it was a small grief in the spawn shops, i mined the back of the tents where the ores were, to display what the npc was selling. i am dearly sorry and i wish to join back on this server and enjoy it with my friends and plan on making new friend along the way. Hope you accept this ban appeal, and I'm sorry this ever had to happen.


Sparkly purple member of the team
Floopguy10 asked me to take a look at this appeal.
Now, not being around when you here banned I don't know the full story behind your ban but if what you say it's correct I would support you being allowed back.
Floopguy told me you are his friend in real life and that he trusted you to keep your word that something like that would never happen again so if there is no new information that another member of the team has I would like to see you get a second chance.
That said, is not my place to decide on my own.
You'll have to wait for a couple of other members of the team to read your appeal and, preferably, the one who banned you will make a decision.


I agree with Alail, we can let you back on on probation, break our rules again and you will get a swift ban. Have a nice time :)

I do not find you on any of our banlists, can you try logging on ?


hey guys! thank you so much. but... it seems that i am not added to the whitelist? was i unwhitellisted, and if i was do i have to fill out an app for the whitelist again?


Lord of Altera
I think it may have been because of the whitelist reset? not sure.

Oh and this looks as if its resolved, mind if I lock it?


I've added you a while ago so you should be able to log on.