Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Leper Colony, Hospital & Asylum] Loughville


POSTPONED following learning more about the cost of building a town :p

Will ressurrect later

Welcoming outcasts - the aim of this build is to provide a secure home for the diseased, ill and insane of Altera. The town will be the colony for the lepers with a small enclave for the volunteers who help them to be more comfortable before thier demise. There are to be be burning pits to dispose of the bodies and a medical facility to care for injuries and infections. There will be a small fort to protect both the residents and outsiders from harm/contamination. A small secure unit will house those inmates who are too far gone and a danger to themselves and others.

Order of the build
1: workshed and builder cabin (later to become seperate healer homes and workshops)
2: erect outer fence (tree trunks - though later to stone walls)
3: inner fence - staff enclave (fencing)
4: stone wall - fort & beacon (later to be "monster proofed")
5: farms (later to become irrigated and perhaps automated to some degree)
6: chicken, cow and sheep pens (later to add sheds)
7: inmate huts (later to become houses)
8: burning pits (later to become crematorium)
9: medical facility (later to become a hospital)
10: fort (later to become a keep & lighthouse)
11: secure unit (later to become an asylum)
12: other [top secret]

Anyone is welcome - this is the general build order though it can be altered. I expect this project to take 6 months+


The Great Leper
Retired Staff
they treated lepers with great care when they died. I should know having been digging a
eper hospital a few weeks ago


Not all regions with leprosy were so enlightened. Hospitals themselves are a relatively new development - the disease far pre-dates them. The aim of the colony was to have place that would be comparative to an earlier historical time than the digs you have been working on. Though it may be interesting to roleplay the change in treatment of the colonists as the disease becomes more understood. Demolishing buildings, cancelling work details, and slowly turning a refugee camp into a hospital and place to care for sick patients


Loyal Servant of Altera
Awesome RP opportunity. I hope you stay with the server and are successful in this. I may make a small donation to seeing this start up.



Loyal Servant of Altera
Good! Then this place will have a population. I look forward to seeing how the RP turns out.


((OOC - well the colony uses the ignorance of the populace about the disease to keep the soldiers and the tax collectors away - so that the real money can be made without prying eyes, underneath the settlement of the sick. Private shipping can be directed via the local harbourmaster who will ensure the sandbanks and other "hazards" are avoided))


or it could be a centre for an army to overthrow the corrupt leaders of the evil world.... Or just a sad place.... Just a spot that might generate rp opportunities