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llyrios : My ban appeal

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llyr hinton

Loyal Servant of Altera
I'd like to appeal the ban of myself, about a 30 minutes ago.

I was banned because I was flying to quickly and I only figured out today that you could fly and me and my friend Griff0503 were heading to the port when a fellow admin spotted me. I would just like to point out that I can justify that but the admins chatted for a while. And CubeyDoom said that I should be punnished by being tortured. I left to remove the modded jar then as I came back i was banned for the following reason: 'flying spped'.
Firstly, I promised and really wanted a secend chance since ive been playing on the server since december 2011 and i met alot of people there like Sallypirate who I became great friends with. But as time grew I lost connection to the server alot due to my router. I am sorry for what i did you can follow me for days and you can watch how I will not be using that mod again!

I would appreciate it if you checked this out.

Thanks, Llyr


King ForumStalker
What rank are you ingame? Those of Lord rank or above are permitted to use flymod but only for building. Using it to travel is one of the more intolerable offences of this rule.


Lord of Altera
He was peasant. But as he just joined and already got banned because he did something by accident. And as he left the server to remove the modded jar. I would say you should give him a second chance. He's brand new on here, and should have some time to explore the world of Altera instead of just being kicked out.


Lord of Altera
He should have read the rules, it says in the King's Law, that there is to be no flying unless building.


Lord of Altera
i think this is an oldER player who after a long break came back and just didnt know flying was against the rules he wrote his appeal as though he thought that the SPEED at which he was flying was the problem not the actual flying i would say that we let him off with a warning but i think he should go give the rules a once over to remind himself of what they are after 4 months away time


It's no rocket science that zooming around on the map is not allowed on our server. Thanks for your appeal and apology. A permaban is a bit harsh though, you can be allowed back on the server in three days.


You can been perma banned for stealing from the Freemasons. You may explain if you wish.


It's just been confirmed you also took 92 of lonefighter's cookies. Your chances are looking slim now son!

Master Pheonix

Lord of Altera
*Throws the book of the King's Law at llyr hinton's face*

Read it, learn it, abide by it and love it you fool of a Took

Click Here and have a good read over the ToC again, it will come in handy if you are given another chance. :)


Given the amount he has stolen, he will not be let back on the server. He raided all the chests in the freemasons storerooms along with his buddy.

Master Pheonix

Lord of Altera
*sigh* That was just plain stupid. Its a real shame that someone would do that, I don't know if he is a new player or an old player that has come back but that is really no excuse to go stealing things.


Lord of Altera
people say the darnist things when they want what the cannot have...and to say the least I agree, although this has already been handled...that this person shouldn't be let back on, flying and STEALING on top of it is just utter bull.

(sorry if that was a bit harsh) debating whether or not I should lock this..
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