Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Lord of Altera
Name: Lok-Pur
Nickname/Alias: 13-month-trapper
Age: 27 Years
Gender: Male
Race: Orc
Height: Being an orc, and being a large one, 7"9
Weight: 287 lbs.
Hair: Pure Black hair that is strandy and goes down to eyes, and is longer in back.
Eyes: Eyes like burning fire.
Skin: Dark Green
Identifying Marks: A fresh scar down face, 6 fingers on left hand, a golden hoop on each ear, and an accent that sounds Scottish.
Appearance: Tall and muscular, wields an axe that could cut threw steel.
Strengths: Hunting, fighting, being quiet, and thinking.
Weaknesses and fears: Always feared water...
Religion and cults: None
Profession: Hunter
Backstory: Lok-Pur has a very interesting childhood, first, he was raised by savage trolls, very large ones, but one day, the male swallowed him hole. He grabbed a rock that the male had swallowed, and cut open his stomach. (Sort of like what Zeus did to Kronos, except Zeus cut his brothers and sisters out of his stomach.) He then defeated the female, and was raised by desert orcs. The only thing that he was good at was hunting, which then got him good at fighting. But once, when Lok-Pur was hunting, the desert fortress was seized by the merfolk, who then got golems and ents to literally drag it to the ocean. (It was not far away.) But, before that happened, Lok-Pur got into the city. He eventually swam out. And that is why he is afraid of water. He looked for days, trying to find civilization in the desolate desert, but, eventually, he got out of the desert and found Port Silver, and that is where he is today.