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Lord_Abraham's Backgound Story

Alex the Strange

Loyal Servant of Altera
Name: Lord_Abraham (in-game) Abraham Medlocke

Nickname/Alias: Traveller lord of Tireldah
Age: 17
Gender: Male

Race: Human
Height: 6'3
Weight: 68.4 kg
Hair: Light brown
Eyes: Blue
Skin: White
Identifying Marks: He Wears a fez from his travels, and gold trims hint at his fromer lifestyle as a lord
Appearance: Abraham, Although average in appearance, only identifyabale by his fez that he regards as being magical, despite the fact he tries to lay low and typically shys away from fights. His torn garments hint at a time of his life when he was in a struggle and his life seemed bleak. however Abraham is quite skilled in hunting and haggling, skills he has learnt from his family, the life he lived was was one that could never be reinstated.
Background: Abraham, the child of a noble in the 'Court of Travellers', grew up trading his fathers goods they brought and sold in the the few towns and cities the lay in the small province of Tireldah. Constantly on the move his closest friends were his family.

His Family despite being looked upon by the travellers in Tireldah,because when important issues arose in the community the court were sought after to resolve them, lived much like the people they served. however they, they were able to live more comfertably. However this did not bother other travellers as the bountiful lands of Tireldah would suustain them.

during one winter when abraham was young, nearing 17, he and his father had finished selling some redstone and coal to a Sky Runner in the city of Bornrock, they made a good price for his father was a true haggler. On there way back the way back to there camp outside the city. Abrahams father was reminded of something...

"Argh, I almost forgot, i need to pick up some wheat, your mother is making a cake, ohh they are so good."

Abraham seeking to please his father volunteered himself to go to a dealer in the market district, his father agreed and sent Abraham on his way with a few coin. As Abraham walked through the city towards the markets, grim clouds entombed Bornrock. and the city was turned grey with shadow. A little later as Abraham arrived in the market , At the same time the menacing clouds above began to spew droplets of rain in frantic hurry the rain crashedd down hard. The stalls in the opwn foresseing this packed up and left along withn the crowds of citizens, attracted by the markets. Abraham headed into a small bakery hoping to buy some flour from the baker.

upon entry his pursuit to buy flour was doused by three large thugs standing over a battered baker.

"Don't ever skip a payment again... oh look we 'ave a gypsy come to join us, he'd fetch a good price, bag him!"

Abraham turned to run but the thugs, brutish and strong, dragged him to the ground tearing his clothes as Abraham struggled, and pulled him in being gagged and tied, reluctant to give up he struggled and kicked trying to wriggle out of the thugs grasp. One thug, seeming to be the leader, was now becoming tired of Abraham struggling proceeded to pick up a club and struck Abrahaam across the head. His vision fading the last thing he took note of was the open door extruding the light of the bakery and the sound of the rain crashing to the ground in numbers creating a symphony of noise.

When Abraham awoke a great pain was piercing his head, much like the way sunn light was piercing the cracking clouds and releasing glistening beams of light. he was tied up and he had a gag in his mouth he couldnt speak nor move. the heavy thuds of the riding carriage that ferried abraham to his unceratin future brought the pain of the strike that rendered him unconscious. Abraham was alone in the carriage there were are few crates marked with signs 'Melon' and 'Wheat', as well as a few small barrels. it seemed like days before the carriage stopped wherever This carriage was going it was for away from Tireldah.

When the carriage finally came to a halt, Abraham was filled with fear as the footseps of his captor slowly stepped of the carriage and walked down to the entrance of the carriage suddenly the door of the carriage and the piece of cloth that draped over the back swang open and a harsh light stung Abrahams eyes his captor was a blurred silhouette. He was torn out of the carriage and chucked to the floor. He felt relief as the the ropes he was bound in were cut free, he layed down on the floor, hungry and thristy on the brink of starving to death, A Slice of Porkchop and a bucket of milk placed down on the floor beside were hastily devoured like a straw hut in a hurricane. Before he could get even a view of his captor the carriage had set of again into the afternoon sun levaing behind a letter, this was his only source of information as to what had uunfolded and where he was now, so he read it...

'I am sorry you had to be tied up in this,
You were captured by a gang that is notorious in Bornrock, they wanted to enslave you but when your father saw you being put into the back of this carriage as they left the city, he did what any father would do and tried to save you along with your Bothers, The thugs killed them all, then your mother.
As this fight transpired I took hold of the carriage and escaped with you in the back, knowing that your life would owned by gang lords, I brought you far away to help you to forget, your old life is over now, you have to start again, here beginning at Port Silver.'

(Got a bit long so I had to wrap it up, making the end really bad.)