Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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LordDoubt - Application - [Rejected - Halfmad]

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Hello! My name is Sam Taylor. I am 17 years old, and I currently live in The United States of America. Also, just some random information about myself, I often make normal situations poetic and moving, but I can also come off as being snobby when not meaning to. It's part of what makes me who I am. I am fully out of the closet in my community. I have a very supportive boyfriend names Will, and I love him very much. I have logged almost 90 hours on Skyrim, and I'm not entirely proud of that. I learned of Hollow Worlds while searching for a role-play server that wasn't awful, and this server seemed very savory to my pallet. I go by the the name LordDoubt, a name I chose because of the fact that I constantly find myself testing new ways to achieve age old goals. I enjoy role-playing, and I have begun to compile the story I created with my friend into a book. I have yet to come up with a title, but I am constantly looking for inspiration. I have chose to apply to Hollow World because I believe it will give me not only new and inspiring interactions, but also a way to travel not just back in time, but to an entirely different realm. After reading through the information about Hollow Worlds, I decided that I would be nothing but overjoyed to be a citizen of the world of Altera.


<3 Hollow World
locked no response in over a week, ignored the template. Rejected.
Feel free to reapply if you can take the 5 mins to fill out an application properly, we don't expect a life story but when we put in so many hours building a community we do want to know a little about the people who want to join it :)
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