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Lore & History FAQ


Lord of Altera
By the old lore mandate you'd need permission to write about stuff that happened a long time ago but has otherwise been around up to the present day. However, there are a few "ancient" ruins scattered around the map for those who can find them. Ruined towns come to mind. If you want something specific you should contact Faelin and Somnastra.

It should be fairly common knowledge the world isn't flat - the Greeks knew it 2000 years ago just from trigonometry and by seeing how ship masts became visible before the rest of the ship.

You always need consent with poisons when you take the action, since otherwise you pull a powergaming move ("btw, that drink was poisoned and your character is going to die in 3 minutes").
Thanks! That explains quite alot!


El programming zorro
Retired Staff
For how many years has there been intelligent life on Altera? Would it for an example make sense to find an ancient temple while IC?
I know that ptiber's character, Galim Aeltus, was an explorer. He made a shop, then converted to a museum, with ancient relics. He described some ancient temples and cultures in some texts to accompany the historical items.
By the old lore mandate you'd need permission to write about stuff that happened a long time ago but has otherwise been around up to the present day. However, there are a few "ancient" ruins scattered around the map for those who can find them. Ruined towns come to mind. If you want something specific you should contact Faelin and Somnastra.
From what I had gathered from the lore team when I was making my stories and creating historical relics and history, you have every right to create the past as long as you don't overstep the few things that are known about human/elves/etc history on this Altera, which obviously begins with the last Exodus for everything that is buildable (towns, temples, etc...). But the humans/elves/dwarves/etc were all the same present somewhere before the last Exodus, so you can probably still find a way to do what you are trying to achieve.
Altera's time is now 2260 (what's the year 0, what's the reason for having started noting years at that time? nobody has been able to answer me when I asked :D) and so you have two millenias of history you can tap on when it comes to people, events, all that stuff... What you create won't be canon, and shouldn't approach any sensitive matter (no fanciful race creation, maybe even nothing that approach the Immortal Kings, Grief, the Gods...) but you can create subraces, tribes, people, related events, towns, countries and nations if needed... It could still have taken place on the previous Altera world if it's too old for the current one :) (or even on the previouses ones, you can use the Exoduses as you please ^^)
I sometimes have related stories of ancient peoples, temples and relics supposed to go back quite far in time, with some approximative datation (made references to fictional books relating things going back to 1200, for example). But I made sure it always only presumed things, not stating as the one and only truth. Hearsay, oral stories passed from grandpas to childrens around the fire, things gathered from asking questions to people then making that into a book... All that stuff that can create history: that's the beauty of the thing, you just have to say it has existed for it to have existed (at least for you! and if other people choose to believe it, then it will gain in probability of having really existed, if you see what I mean :D History is made by those who write History :)). Just make sure to use common sense, and talk to the lore team if something might be fishy.

As Baron said, you can find several ruins, that aren't have any dating, history, or even references anywhere but in what you can create for them :) Sure, the last Exodus is supposed to only have took place a few years/dozens of years in the past, so maybe you won't find very old ruins or temples here... But history timeline on HW is pretty loose, as loose as passing time can be for our characters :)


Dark Council Elite
Keep in mind that before the immortal kings dumped us on this planet, I'm fairly sure there wasn't sentient life running around. Though I might be wrong.


Lord of Altera
I see cannons on ships. Why are they a thing, when guns aren't? (btw I'm glad about that, I think guns would be terrible for RP.)


Retired Staff
Cannons exist as stationary emplacements, and I do believe there's precedent for one-shot hand cannons that take your hand when they go off. Cannons actually served a pretty critical role in the Exodus war.


Puppycat Herder
Staff member
Events Staff
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Retired Owner
Cannons exist as stationary emplacements, and I do believe there's precedent for one-shot hand cannons that take your hand when they go off. Cannons actually served a pretty critical role in the Exodus war.
No hand cannons. I will smush anyone who tries, I swear it. And make their hand blow up.


The Lurker
Retired Staff
No hand cannons. I will smush anyone who tries, I swear it. And make their hand blow up.
*Looks down at hand cannon blueprints*
*Then a glance at Somnastra*
*Shoves metal and gunpowder supplies into the wastebasket with a sigh*



The Shadow Admín
Retired Staff
What is an enchanting table IC?

Also are weapons with enchants that are something like efficiency/unbreaking allowed to be created via actual RP as an OOC marker of a weapons made by a talented smith? I assume other enchants are lore restricted as thorns would be something I imagine only Naelwyn could enchant with Thatmurgy. However sharpness could simply mean the smith who made the sword is incredibly skilled. Unbreaking on armor means it was made out of Arcturian Steel etc.

I have lots of questions about what a certain item is IC so are their plans to make a compendium of MC items to IC and what they are. I remember being told if it exists in MC it exists somewhere IC but I"m not sure if that was lore team or not.


Lord of Altera
In-Game Tech Staff
He/Him, They/Them
Does Iron Golems exist in Altera? If so, where can they be found and what is the history behind them.
There used to be one in some weird research lab under Port Silver, but thats all I know


The Shadow Admín
Retired Staff
So questions about enchanting can you describe what the enchanter feels when he's making the pact? Is it physically and mentally taxing? Is just another day at the office? I'm really more concerned just how to properly emote the process of enchanting.

Also would I be correct in assuming we instinctively known what the enchants we receive are or do we have to test them IC?

Are their limits to how often you can enchant IC etc or can you pop them out as quick as you can grind the OOC xp?

@Faelin @Any lore team who's feeling froggy
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Retired Staff
Not lore, but I'd venture it's physically draining. After all, you can only do a few before needing to get more XP.


The Shadow Admín
Retired Staff
Not lore, but I'd venture it's physically draining. After all, you can only do a few before needing to get more XP.
Thats what I was rolling with I did a single enchant RPly and I wasn't sure how to deal with it but I was emoting physically drained on top of some mental disorientation since (OOC) you're sharing experiences with a Elemental.


Puppycat Herder
Staff member
Events Staff
Lore Staff
Retired Owner
So questions about enchanting can you describe what the enchanter feels when he's making the pact? Is it physically and mentally taxing? Is just another day at the office? I'm really more concerned just how to properly emote the process of enchanting.

Also would I be correct in assuming we instinctively known what the enchants me receive are or do we have to test them IC?

Are their limits to how often you can enchant IC etc or can you pop them out as quick as you can grind the OOC xp?

@Faelin @Any lore team who's feeling froggy
That actually is not something that, to my knowledge, has been articulated anywhere. @Naelwyn might have an answer, as he thought up most of the pact mechanics. Will prod my lore team.


Insert Custom Title here
That actually is not something that, to my knowledge, has been articulated anywhere. @Naelwyn might have an answer, as he thought up most of the pact mechanics. Will prod my lore team.
*Prods with stick.*
"P.. Psst, pssst guys, I have to know something..."


The Lurker
Retired Staff
Is it okay to ICly know the God Lore, fluff, etc? For example, Shalherana is the Deity of Spring, Growth, Forests, Regrowth, Nature, and Life. However this is not posted in the Grand Shrines. Would an average Alteran know her motto? Her ideal realm? Or any of the gods, for that matter? How much is it okay to be like, "I know that Jishrim is the God of Plagues and Despair." Or that Crusade rather likes Sallana?

Or is a lot of that for interesting OOC reading?