Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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louieeeeeeee ban-appeal

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I was recently banned from the server for griefing. I don't know really what I griefed but I think it was for the nether tower in Heavens_Reach. If it was I was told to do that buy Aug88 who is the mayor of the town. If it not that please tell me what it was.


Le Original Queen
Likely going to be up to Sally...


For future reference, even if a Town Mayor tells you to destory something.


Don't ever do it. Just because someone is a Mayor, does not give them the right to have OTHER players remove the buildings of OTHER OTHER players. Only destroy your own builds. That ought to be a rule of thumb. Anywho, this is a Sally call, or someone who was actually on to know what happened. :/


Grand Architect
indeed i ordered him to take it down, sorry for the misunderstanding !
darth asked me to build a tower but he made an entire area netherbrick and lava and extended way beyound proportions
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