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Lowdown on the Southern Wilds Situation

Sean Roscoe

To start with, this is not an unban appeal, as my ban is apparently temporary. At least it is not intended as such. This is a clarification of what happened.

Bluntly, I (Sean Roscoe) was responsible for the southern wilds being "destroyed." It was an honest mistake, and here is why.

Several things are responsible for this current situation.

  1. Misinformation. I was told that the Southern Wilds was a resource only world, and that it was reset every week or so. Most of the time the appearance of such a world is not important. In fact they are meant to be ravaged so that the real one does not.
  2. A plugin failure. The plugin that was supposed to put up protections around the spawn was down I guess. I didn't know that. Many people didn't. The factor that I was allowed to harvest materials at the spawn made me think it was OK.
  3. Lack of any signage to the contrary. It is SOP on most servers to have signs in place to tell people that they should not harvest supplies in certain areas, in the event of a protection plugin failure. There were no such signs.
  4. The design of the spawn itself. The location of the spawn (in the middle of a jungle lake) does not exactly scream "I care about the surrounding terrain." Sorry, but natural jungle is usually regarded as more of a nuisance than a bonus. It is hard to transverse, is a hassle to build on, and takes forever to clear. It is, in my opinion, quite ugly as well. If the mods/admins wanted to imply that the look of the spawn was important, there should be some ruins or a bridge. Any kind of architecture at all really. Besides the portal frame of course.
That is my side of the story. I realize now I did something wrong, and I'm sorry. It won't happen again.

On a side note I feel that insulting people when banning them is rather unprofessional. I do not like being called an idiot, or being told I have no common sense. The ban should be punishment enough, and all it should say are the reasons for the ban.


Lord of Altera
"On a side note I feel that insulting people when banning them is rather unprofessional. I do not like being called an idiot, or being told I have no common sense. The ban should be punishment enough, and all it should say are the reasons for the ban."
Yeah I feel that is salt on the wounds. As he said the temp ban and the reason: Destruction of land


Revenge is a dish best served cold.
Retired Staff
On a side note I feel that insulting people when banning them is rather unprofessional. I do not like being called an idiot, or being told I have no common sense. The ban should be punishment enough, and all it should say are the reasons for the ban.
I'll put my hand up to that and agree with you. I'll take full responsibility for that and I apologise.

I also agree the rules should have been clearer in hindsight. But to clarify my position - The Sorrowlands and/or The Southern Wilds although considered resource worlds are at the same time things of beauty and should be treated with the same love as the main continent of Altera. The intention was the wipe once in a while and depending on how the landscape evolved maybe keeping it for up to 6-12 months. Although mining being the main purpose it was also a place to allow people to build with freedom and no boundaries but fully aware it could be all gone in 6 months.

I do now see though that some people may have mis-interpreted the nature of these worlds having been used to the concept of a 'junk' world on other servers with the prime use of bleeding it dry of ores. It may be evident that this mis-information has been allowed to spread amongst the rank of our admins and moderators. I'm pretty confident that at least me and Lars were on the same page with regard to our vision for these worlds. But clearly the basis of my post here will form a server wide awareness of the intended purpose of these worlds.

I still believe there are a number of guilty parties involved in this incident who were messing about but I hope you can appreciate the action we had to take to try and get to the bottom of this. Sometimes a ban is the quickest way to get someone to react and respond to us - as I said, the wording maybe could have been more professional.

Sean Roscoe

Thank you for responding and clearing that up. It is much appreciated. :) I for one will make sure that the tenants of Golden Peak understand the vision for the Southern Wilds.


Lord of Altera
We need dirt for our town, how should we go about collecting a mass amount of dirt without destroying the landscape?


Lord of Altera
I would like to add I've never read that the rule about floating trees doesn't count in the Southern Wilds. And even if jungle trees are the highest trees you'll find in Minecraft, that doesn't take away that you have to cut down the whole tree. I know, that sounds like an awful lot of work, but trust me, no one likes a jungle full of floating trees.


Lord of Altera
We need dirt for our town, how should we go about collecting a mass amount of dirt without destroying the landscape?
Don't dig ginormous holes in the ground when collecting dirt or sand. The Minecraft world is made out of different layers. It might seem like more work to only dig a few layers, spread out over a bigger place, but it really helps keeping the world looking good.

Sean Roscoe

Well, it looks like this thread just turned into an actual Unban appeal, as although my temporary ban is over I now appear to be permanently banned. To be honest I noticed that there were 2 entries for my name in the ban list several days ago, but I put this down to some type of error or some technicality for temp bans. However, having read several other threads, I now see that the permanent bans were an intentional blanket action for any suspected of involvement with the Southern Wilds fiasco, hence this post.

I formally request that my bans be lifted. I have owned up to my involvement, and apologized several times. I understand that what I did was wrong, and have promised not to do it again. Furthermore, I accepted my temporary ban as just, did not complain, and served my time. I have also stated my case above. And, I most certainly gave no lip to the management, as my logs will show; really I don't speak much at all.

Oh, one more thing. Neither I or any of the other members of Golden Peak had anything to do with the floating jungle trees. We do not harvest logs from the Southern Wilds, as our town has it's own tree farm. When harvesting any materials we were care full to remove any floating trees we created.

Alright, I'll unban you in a sec
Aux was under orders to ban everyone involved in the situation until we had investigated it fully, the ban message was unnecesarry to say the least, sorry about that.