Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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LuxTop's Whitelist Application [ Accepted- Jase]


Legend of Altera
{Introduction Section}

Minecraft Username: LuxTop

Age: 23

Country & Timezone: UTC+3

Read the Kings Law, Code of Conducts, Official Lore, and the Player Guides?: Yes

Define Metagaming & Powergaming?:

Metagaming is application in roleplay of knowledge which character does not posses. Good indicator of it is any suspiciously beneficial acting in non-accordance to the characters' established personality.
Powergaming is similar to it, but extends beyond - to a worrying pattern of OOC behaviour of being inconsiderate towards others players, acting generally in careless and selfish way for one's own benefit that ruins the game for others. Usually it is expressed through forced onto players actions in game - preventing other players from responding appropriately to it.

Do we allow Xray mods or X-Ray texture packs?: No

Tell us about yourself!: Hi! I have been playing Minecraft since the beta stage - enjoying high standard roleplays on multiple servers. What matters to me the most is a positive and active community, and an expression of creativity that is seen both in the builds and in lore of the server. I want to join Hollow World as it appears to be extremely promising. If all is well - become part of the community - perhaps show my creativity - I have been contributing builds to multiple RP servers - including those that used Conquest texture pack - which I am extremely pleased to see on this server.

Referral: planetminecraft


{Character Section}
Character Name: Reinhard von Strussen Blud

Age: 17-19

Race: Humans

Appearance: Typical Anhalder appearance with exception of lighter, medium blonde hair - but the one he is currently opting to dye black. Blue eyes with barely visible hints of green. Clothing wise - nothing exceptional, reserved in style.

(Optional) Picture of the Skin:
Reinhard von Strussen Blud.png

Written Test (Min: 400 words):

The youngster is Anhalder by birth - or so he was told - he doesn't have exactly knowledge of his lineage with exception of few bits and pieces told to him by his foster parents. The boy didn't grow up to be exactly what the foster parents wanted him to be - a lumberjack, enjoying a simple rural life - free of political intrigues and awkward innuendos common folk face in settlements bustling with lofty nobility and upper-class citizens, or at least this is how they wanted him to view life in towns and cities.

Rein always was attentive to detail - this, perhaps, let him go down this rabbit hole - from the childhood nightmares he examined to some military uniform found hidden beneath the wooden floor along with trinkets - and more... He was not just curious - he was also persistent. Through hard work, or through annoyance, Rein somehow managed to get his foster father to reveal bits and pieces. The old man knew little - besides the fact that he was found on a road wrapped in the uniform - it might have been of his father, but he never knew as he claimed. It took him a while to grasp who he was as he stared at a fancy, but quite worn out by time, pocket watch with barely readable engraving on it - some von Strussen Blud - sounded noble and flowery - even ridiculous at the time – but now with this - he had a family name to go by, no matter how silly sounding it was, didn’t he? Yet the findings didn't get him closer to the truth - what if he was wrong? What if his parents were instead mere servants, fleeing unsuccessfully from a burning mansion of a noble - and the items he found are nothing but stolen baubles of a noble no one even has a clue about? Rein is still clueless as he was - but it did reinvigorate the lad - as he left the foster parents in hope of finding out who Strussen Blud were - with a promise to sustain foster parents by earning money through his passion – he was now of age to try himself in military service. But for that, doesn’t he need to have someone to back him up – loyal friends, or perhaps some noble House to be “foster parents” for him, guiding him as he tries to climb the military ranks and refine his skills? Would be challenging with his lack of knowledge about socialite culture – add religion to it and customs of socialites– a truly desperate call to establish oneself for a rural boy with nothing but a family name he might even wish to hide – what if Strussen Blud are traitors to the Kaiser? Perhaps he will end up with nothing but disappointment by venturing out to the towns and cities - frustrating him with the fact that his foster parents were right – nobles are lofty, hard to understand, but Rein is definitely not up to return to the rural life – it is too boring for him.

Will he succeed in charming nobles – in spite of knowing little to nothing about social customs? Will he make loyal friends and succeed with them in military service – or betrayals will ensue for the sake of higher position – along with sad solitude at the top or bottom of the hierarchy? Will he get to know what is his lineage, who are the so called von Strussen Blud?


Short story: A flowery name

The crackling fire and little bit of town-ish sweet booze was enough for Rein to sleep like a baby on a floor – right next to the chimney – the tavern guests didn’t mind as they numbered few and were too engaged in a card game. Few cries – ‘full moon loser!’, ‘complete set - crescents – 1 radian gents.’, and few slurs did not wake up the sleeping lad. The night passed swiftly – with all present in the tavern not noticing how fast time went by – the card players were apparently still there – although now apart from each other – the victors were drinking at the tab, as for losers – they were sore losers – cussing and crying hysterically as they were dragged towards the exit by the bartender. Others – the regulars, were sharing stories and singing together some religious hymn mixed with imperialistic undertones. The odd ones were by the chimney. Rein felt a touch of hand on his shoulder - the coldness of it transferred itself through the thin cloth gradually – few moves around on the carpet, and he was finding himself face to face to the hot grid of the chimney. The coldness, as if piercing through his shoulder, and now the burning warmth of the metal, as if he was kissed by the sun, combined to produce an instantaneous reaction of Rein becoming awake by jumping up high and backing away from both sources = clumsily leaping and balancing his unfortunate body as it got used to the surrounding. As he looked around – he found himself in a predicament – being looked at by an apparent tavern owner – with another person staring at him in no less amusement.

‘What a nighter! Am I in debt for staying here?’ he was reaching for his purse inside the doublet, the purse that held little to no radians, but before anything the stranger wearing a straw hat smirked to the boy.

‘All clear – drinks and deluxe ‘carpet on the floor’ room covered - thank your weird friend for that.’ upon catching a cold glance by the stranger tavern owner shrugged and waved off the two – seemingly dismissing any further interaction as he had to calm down the sore losers who were starting to get rowdy.

‘How come? Do we know each other?’ Rein was intrigued by the generous gesture - a seeming total stranger to pay for all of that!

‘Yeste’day we had a fine talk about town life, nobility, and all the flowery things – two country boys met each other so to speak, even if I left the countryside decades ago.’ the man smiled briefly - soon the face went back to showing the satisfied grin – ‘ I couldn’t even tell at first you were not from here – you wore not too shabby clothes, but given lack of your knowledge in not just wines – but in drinks of all kinds besides the simpleton ones, it became apparent.’

‘I think… I recall the fruity taste, the dryness on top of that - a suffocating mixture! How do you fancy people even bear the sweetness of it?’

‘You will acquire taste – I thought why not treat a newcomer from the countryside – after all, don’t you need to know the taste and names of finer beverages to impress the nobles, so you can get a patronage for the military education?’

Silence reigned the moment - the young lad faltered.

‘What else did I spill out to a tavern stranger?’

‘Plenty – although yesterday we were more of occasional friends under alcohol – solitude isn’t something you want to experience when moving away from your home, hence we talked plenty – but I think you are desperate for the answers – don’t want to be a tease. Simply - from the talk we had - I got that you are future military buff – a strategist so to speak, who wishes to climb up the ranks – but there is more – you are a rural boy who lacks more refined social skills to operate properly in high society, and, what’s more, you have questionable lineage which puts a challenge. The advantage is that your head is less clouded – there are fewer ideas that govern you like a puppet – cultural supremacy or religious dogmas. Still – you can fill your mind with whatever you like – along with your heart – just make sure you do keep the part of you showed during this drinking night – all the theatrics with these wooden masks you wore was entertaining. ’ – the stranger was relishing from seeing Rein react to all of it – the reaction on lad’s face was priceless – the awe of being read well by a stranger was quite unsettling. Description on him was spot on - they needed to have a blast of a party yesterday to bond so well - and for him to remember nearly nothing about it added insult to an injury.

‘That is too far, I know nearly nothing about you and now you got almost everything about me in. What a bummer.’

‘Wrong, you should try to recall. If you are unsuccessful – try to think why we would come talk to each other in the first place, how your came to perform with the masks to the cheering drunk crowd, and how your aspirations related to military came up in our not so sober conversation. Either way, Reinhard - I think it was pleasure meet you. I'll travel further – hoping to hear someday about this successful strategist with ‘flowery’ name. Bye, Reinhard von Strussen Blud. ’

~ The odd drinking buddy swiftly left the tavern - we exchanged farewells and wishes for safe travel and that's it. I didn't catch his name - the randomness of the interaction left me at unease - all I could remember were his shades, smirk, and a straw hat I think I gifted to him. This was merely a random encounter on my way to a town – but it was one that left the mark in my memory… At the time I didn’t think of it as a good lesson for a rural and awkward youngster like me – all I was trying to do is to guess how the damn night went on.’


"Something need doing?"
Hey LuxTop,

Looking great. Please note that within Altera personal pocket watches are not really a widespread device. But other than that, everything else is looking good!



I'm pleased to announce your application has been approved. I hope you enjoy your stay in Altera. Before logging on make sure you read the Survival Guide. It will help you on your way to get established in our World. If you need to know any additional information, everything can be found in our King's Law. Make sure you consult either of these two before asking a question in-game or on discord.

+You are probably eager to jump into the game, so there is no need to read all the links. Just use these as a reference for later.+

Survival Guide - Read this to help when you login!
The King's Law
How to Create a Character
The Official Lore
Town Census
Plugins Command Guide
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