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Martin Lamminmäki

I think I might like it here
Hello, I am banned for PvP and annoying people.
The beginning of this story is starting in a small game of tag, when I was killed by a man called Reapfaith (Or something like that) I continued and went to Saline creek again (The game of tag was there) I hit Reap and he killed me again, I though we were going to continue, I guess I was wrong.
Then after that I armored up with my faithful diamond sword, going to Dracoboy2's house, smelting cobblestone! I felt I was shot from behind, looked around and noone was there! A couple minutes later when I still was waiting for Dracoboy2 to open his door, I was shot again! I saw a man called Verpa hiding behind a iron door with a bow in his hand, figuring he was the attacker, I fast ran to him when he fired a third shot, I cornered him and he shot me for a fourth time, and he took his sword and he hit me once, making me jump and put down his misery.
I walked to Draco's door and it was finally open, so I walked in, went and smelted some cobble and I heard Verpa outside screaming; Come at me! You coward! (Something like that) I walked out and I hit him, and I walked away, he started chasing me, and I ran, but he had killed me long before I had come far.
He was soon killed by Dracoboy and I went back to Saline creek.
He came there aswell and said; Truce! I don't remember what I said to this.
I walked out and I walked around in Saline creek I guess, I can't remember.
I once heard him saying; Can I hunt Martinko? To A man called Ben (Something more, can't remember)
I went up to a roof aiming at him, if he was going to shoot me, he was holding his bow already aiming so I was scared. He killed me there.
I went back AGAIN. And I was armored with my bow as usual, he aimed at me so I aimed back, he took his sword and killed me.
Another time was when I were in Heaven's Reach, I was killed by DarthCorey because I was on the other side of the war, I ran and jumped into some water, he had hit me once or twice before this.
I shot him with my bow twelve times when I was in the water. I ran out of arrows and was heading for my destination. He jumped into the water and I was fleeing, he killed me after that.
I went back to Heaven's Reach, Going for my destination and was killed again.
I went back a third time, He started hunting me and I ran again. And he yelled I was banned from Heaven's Reach. He killed me again after a while I think.
I went back again, he was AFK so I killed him, because he had killed me three times (I think) before this. This was the kill I was banned for.
I went exploring, I got accused for griefing by Verpa because I sneak into some house while the door was open, he and Tomtomgas killed me.
I went back again, I wanted to come to my destination.
I was killed by Darth again I think.
In the End realm, he killed me again. End of story, 10-4 over and out.
Good night.


<3 Hollow World
You should be unbanned as far as I'm aware, but if you Darth and Verpa keep this crap up none of you will be on the server much longer. PVP is by consent only in Altera, if they attack you first let them kill you - that shows up on the logs then we can come down on them like a ton of bricks. It's easy enough for us to refund anything you lose.

If you want to murder people bugger off to the Sorrowlands or Nether :p
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