Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Mechanism] Telescopic Tubing


Legend of Altera
Utilizing coiled iron springs, this conceptual mechanism can have numerous applications. A release button allows the relief of the energy stored in the spring, which is absorbed largely by the catches (pretty much just lipped metal fixtures that block each other ) in the neck of the larger tube and some predetermined structural midpoint on the surface of the inner tube. The tubes themselves can be made of wood as long as the various springs and fixtures are made of a sufficiently sturdy material.

In the provided sketch, the tubing is included in the base of a cane, allowing the user to grip the cane by its base and extend the head out with some reasonable measure of force.

( I'm aware of the numerous mechanical faults and possible modifications that could be made to the mechanism as it is portrayed. This is just the concept of the basic idea and how it might be applied. )



No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
Nothing wrong with it, but so mundane and uncontroversial that I dont see the need to put this as a lore submission.
MC already has pistons, so this not even a question.


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Thought so, was gonna quick approve but wanted to doublecheck :p

(dis be approved bytheby )