Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Medellin the Wanderer


Name: Medellin Maker
Nickname/Alias: The wayward
Age: 31
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height: 6'
Weight: 185
Hair: Ashen grey. Usually short but often forgotten as a messy tossle upon his head.
Eyes: A dull and unremarkable brown.
Skin: A ruddy, wooden brown upon his face and arms. Yet surprisingly pale where usually hidden from the sun.
Identifying Marks: Various scars adorn his body. None too gruesome or ugly, yet numerously scattered across most of the man.
Appearance: His toned arms and shoulders speak of a life spent climbing trees and clamboring up mountainsides. The slender man's body is lithe from weeks at a time spent walking relentlessly towards the horizon. He is adorned in unremarkable garb; grey cloth and boiled leathers fitted for comfort in the brush rather than for the finery of courts. Despite his dusty apparel and well worn boots, the traveller rarely has dirt beneath his nails and keeps his facial hair neatly trimmed.Various tools are strapped to his belts, and he does not appear burdened by the bulging bag upon his back. The man's eyes are bright and welcoming, but his mouth is usually set in a worried frown when not burdened with forming words. He carries with him, besides the bag so large he must live out of it, a calm demeanor and an atmosphere of quiet peace that most find welcoming to be around. Medellin smells of petrichor, pine needles, and furnaces.
Strengths: Medellin is a comfortable outdoorsman. He understands enough of farming to supply for himself crop, and when seeds are scarce he has no qualms against hunting spiders for their string to fashion into a fishing pole, nor does he have anything against satiating a desperate stomache on the flesh of slain zombies. The dark does not frighten him; he is confident with his weapon. Neither does he fear becoming lost; be that in frozen wastes on the surface or deeply underground near bedrock. Though this has more to do with his comfort in setting camp just about anywhere.
Weaknesses and fears: He is not a creative man. Soaring structures and elegant constructions baffle him. He is in awe of massive cities, not understanding the dedication and thought that goes into them. Medellin is too quiet, or perhaps aloof, to easily acquire friends, and is likely to retreat to the lonesome of shaded woods rather than stumble over his tongue with small talk between strangers. Yet strangely, his ultimate fear is of dying alone in some oppressively quiet tunnel. Of finishing his days on foreign soil without anyone who would know the name of him.
Religion and cults: He is an avid and devout brother in The Black Company; a fraternity of mercenaries from far off lands.
Profession: Officially he is a member of aforementioned Black Company. He serves as an advance scout and mapmaker. While far from their familiar tents, however, he keeps his pockets full by selling ores and other valuables collected during his wandering.

(This shall be updated and fleshed out in the following days. Throwing it out to the public for now to get the ball rolling and begin my introductions into the community :D )