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Deceased Melosa Crow


Lord of Altera
In-Game Tech Staff
He/Him, They/Them
Already tried that... Apparently choke slamming someone and making their face one with the ground and the threats of hunting them like their mother, isn't as effective as I thaught.
We should confront her with the pregnant younger dad lover, will scare off


Lord of Altera
Already tried that... Apparently choke slamming someone and making their face one with the ground and the threats of hunting them like their mother, isn't as effective as I thaught.
dont do that.

for the love of god that is NOT how you do it.

French Roast

Lord of Altera
Holy freakin crap I wish I could get on so Cyyr could talk to Melosa but school project sucks HNNNNNGGGG


Lord of Altera
good news I fixed Melosa.
problem solved. knew I could do it.

(picture relevant)
what we really need.png
bad news:
I am prescribing a quiet few weeks of contemplation away from violent situations and away from weapons.
sorry Tideborne. you can get Viktor as a consolation.
Disclaimer: Salheira did in fact say a variation of "and how does that make you feel" to Melosa.



Lord of Altera
good news I fixed Melosa.
problem solved. knew I could do it.

(picture relevant)
View attachment 52950
bad news:
I am prescribing a quiet few weeks of contemplation away from violent situations and away from weapons.
sorry Tideborne. you can get Viktor as a consolation.
Disclaimer: Salheira did in fact say a variation of "and how does that make you feel" to Melosa.
Wait. So when Cal comes back... Mel would of drastically changed into a goodie-goodie?


Lord of Altera
and I see no one else trying to give her a new family.
I see no one else genuinely trying to help her.

it's honestly only been me and the Tidebornes.

I know there's christians here.
does no one remember the parable of the lost son?


Lord of Altera
Goren and I like her the way she is
well you know what?

Goren died.
and now she has daddy issues because her father couldn't stay alive, and her mother was dead and gone, and her aunt did nothing to help.
so uh,
Sal don't care what Mel's daddy think >8P

EDIT: to put that in entirely different words...
it's not whether or not you like her. it's whether or not she likes herself.
whether or not her life is one that genuinely gives her happiness. whether her current life is healthy, or if it will kill her in the time to come.

Melosa is in fear of everything around her. she's alone. she's unhappy.
and she hates herself.
this needs to change. for her sake, and no one else's.


Lord of Altera
well you know what?

Goren died.
and now she has daddy issues because her father couldn't stay alive, and her mother was dead and gone, and her aunt did nothing to help.
so uh,
Sal don't care what Mel's daddy think >8P
psh, hopefully he will be revived and not let her have daddy issues :p

French Roast

Lord of Altera
and I see no one else trying to give her a new family.
I see no one else genuinely trying to help her.

it's honestly only been me and the Tidebornes.

I know there's christians here.
does no one remember the parable of the lost son?
Cyyr is trying to help her but he hasn't gotten a chance to talk to her.


The Brainz
Retired Staff
well you know what?

Goren died.
and now she has daddy issues because her father couldn't stay alive, and her mother was dead and gone, and her aunt did nothing to help.
so uh,
Sal don't care what Mel's daddy think >8P

EDIT: to put that in entirely different words...
it's not whether or not you like her. it's whether or not she likes herself.
whether or not her life is one that genuinely gives her happiness. whether her current life is healthy, or if it will kill her in the time to come.

Melosa is in fear of everything around her. she's alone. she's unhappy.
and she hates herself.
this needs to change. for her sake, and no one else's.
...In all seriousness it is Gaby that understands Melosa the most. This is... this is EXACTLY how she feels.