Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Mercenary Song


Lord of Altera
Let us drink on your ale,
Let us feast on your bread,
We are soldiers for sale,
We acknowledge we're dead.

Cherish the rises,
Mourn over falls,
Blades of all sizes,
We have the balls.

O Let's sing of the bravery,
let's sing our great song,
Our path is the hard one,
wavery and long.
We are soldiers for hire,
We're mercenaries we're strong.
Jax and Valor we admire,
We're not right, and we're not wrong.

O Let's sing of the courage,
let's sing our great song,
The lord's we entourage,
We march all along.
We're men with no remorse,
We're men absent of fear,
We've been through worse,
Haven't shed a single tear.

Aren't black, and aren't white
Aren't wrong, and aren't right
We favor no side,
We favor no fight,
We favor our coin,
And we favor our pride!

So enjoy your show,
and be sure to sit tight.


Lord of Altera
Let us drink on your ale,
Let us feast on your bread,
We are soldiers for sale,
We acknowledge we're dead.

Cherish the rises,
Mourn over falls,
Blades of all sizes,
We have the balls.

O Let's sing of the bravery,
let's sing our great song,
Our path is the hard one,
wavery and long.
We are soldiers for hire,
We're mercenaries we're strong.
Jax and Valor we admire,
We're not right, and we're not wrong.

O Let's sing of the courage,
let's sing our great song,
The lord's we entourage,
We march all along.
We're men with no remorse,
We're men absent of fear,
We've been through worse,
Haven't shed a single tear.

Aren't black, and aren't white
Aren't wrong, and aren't right
We favor no side,
We favor no fight,
We favor our coin,
And we favor our pride!

So enjoy your show,
and be sure to sit tight.
I love Valor Soo much, but f you favor no side Skiera woulda been your best bet.

Both Valor and Skiera are dead.

Regardless! It's. Amazing!!


Lord of Altera
Novus? I don't know what it is, but I guess that explains that I haven't.


Lord of Altera
Hmm, when I lived in Novus I took an abandoned home owned by an Andrew I think during my Arcturian days :D